Training bursaries are generally designed to help people either learn a new skill or continue their education after graduation towards specific goals. Some bursaries for training provide money for current students so that they will be able to better afford their education and professional learning.
Who uses Training Bursaries
Overall, a training bursary should be sought by students who are looking to increase their skill set in relation to their current employment. They are either used to offset costs or to completely cover them. It is not uncommon for training bursaries to be disbursed in a format which only covers a certain amount towards the overall costs of certain courses. Students who are interested in training bursaries should always consult carefully with available information on the specific bursary as it is common for these sorts of programs to only cover specific courses which can often be found listed online. As they are designed with the intention of providing additional training or learning, students should understand that training bursaries are rarely associated with going to school for an undergraduate degree. Rather, they are normally used to pursue post-undergraduate learning and are not always available in every field.
Some Training Bursary Programs
The Voluntary Action Leeds organization provides training bursaries to individuals from all over the United Kingdom interested in looking for further learning through VA-L. Organizations seeking to apply for VA-L training bursaries may only send up to two individuals from the group for training purposes, and will only have 40 pounds towards course fees paid. Groups which are focused on volunteer or non-profit work would likely find the courses offered by VA-L useful. All applicants must be coming from an organization which makes less than 20,000 pounds annually. Applications should be turned before courses begin.
Direct UK, which is one of the biggest national student funding agencies in the United Kingdom, gives out training bursaries to adult learners. Known as the Adult Learning Grant, this program gives out up to 30 pounds a week to students over 50 looking for additional training. Bursaries for training are also available from Direct UK for dance or drama as well as various higher education costs. These programs are normally made available through local organizations such as drama guilds or specific trade unions. They are directed at career learning and used to help cover the costs of additional training. Application dates will vary depending on the organization an individual is going through to get additional training, so interested applicants should consult their local groups for further information.
A Training bursary offered by the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association are really useful in helping broadcasters from various categories get access to additional learning. The program is designed to give training bursaries out to those in journalism, production, online broadcasting, or even management persons. Those interested in getting access to a CBA training bursary should be employed by an organization which has membership in the CBA, and either be interested in direct training through the CBA or for masters programs at the University of Brunei. Different training bursaries become available as new programs open up so potential applicants should keep an eye on the CBA website for courses which may help advance their overall understand of their field.
The Economic and Social Research Council gives out training bursaries to people every year to help improve their research methodology. They provide courses in the social sciences and give out up to 50 different bursaries of 1,000 pounds. All applicants must be currently employed social scientists and must be actively engaged in social science research. Applications for these spectacular training bursaries are available as new courses become available through the ESRC, so those interested in the field and active in it should pay attention to current programs offered by the organization. As the social sciences very often progresses in many different ways in many different related fields, these courses would be an exceptional way to increase the overall capacity of a given study or future research.
My younger sister she doing axillary nursing at Khanyisa Private Nursing College she need financial assiatence
always apply first to your government bursary programs. They are need based and more direct to get. Then apply to all simple to apply for bursaries. Also go to the Florence Nightingale Foundation too – which may help. Read more at NHS bursaries.
Halo iam 37 and need help fr a busaries to proseed my dream us a chef .iam i to old for one
apply to your government bursary programs first, then others second. We ourselves do not sponsor bursary programs – just write all about them.
how do you get the bursary
bheki nxumalo,
apply to it. You must apply to any bursary first to see if you qualify for it. We do not sponsor bursaries but write about those you can apply to. Go directly to the bursary sponsors website to apply.
hi i want to know if do you train matriculants i complete my matric 2010
you must direct that question to the sponsor of a particular bursary which you are interested in. We do not train, we just provide information on the most notable bursaries of today.
hi,I need to know if you offer the in-service training for electrical engineering,I have completed the theory S4 in 2004 and now I need to do training in order to complete my Deploma
thulan Joseph Madondo,
you must contact the bursary sponsor and direct this question to them. Different sponsors have different guidelines on this.
you can apply to any one you want. Just go to the bursary sponsors website and apply! There are links sometimes in the article webbpage. If none their just search for the sponsors name and you should find it. I would apply to your own government bursary programs firstly; for there easier to apply to and get!