Vodacom bursaries in South Africa are offered by the namesake of the program, Vodacom. The company operates across Africa but has its largest consumer base in South Africa where most of its bursaries are awarded. As a communications company providing mobile phone service to its customers Vodacom will be looking for students that fall into categories which will assist in its primary business. This bursary at Vodacom represents one of many privately offered bursary programs in South Africa and will be hotly sought after by students looking for financial aid. Ultimately this means that competition for the bursary’s awards is going to be very high, so any student interested in applying for a Vodacom bursary this year or in the coming years will want to represent themselves in the best possible light.
Unlike many bursaries offered in South Africa, students who received a Vodacom bursary award are not always required to work for the company after graduation. However awardees are able to participate in summer work programs which will help build relevant resume applicable material for future employment options and open up the possibility of working with the Vodacom graduate program for those interested in education beyond a bachelor degree.
As with all such programs, the most important thing to get out of the way is whether or not a student is eligible for a Vodacom bursary. First students should understand that this program is restricted only to those interested in particular fields. These fields include engineering or information technology. Specifically Vodacom bursaries are normally awarded to those entering the field of electrical engineering or seeking degrees in computer science, computer engineering, information systems or programs along similar lines.
If a student is interested in those fields, they must next be able to pass the basic eligibility requirements. Students must be South African citizens and be taking or planning to take courses at a South African institution. They must also be able to show a financial need by coming from a family which makes less than R150 000 a year while also having graduated from grade 12. In passing their matriculation exams, students cannot have received anything less than a C in mathematics and science. Finally, all applicants must be under 25 years of age. Any student who may be interested in a Vodacom bursary and meets these requirements should sincerely consider applying for the program.
Vodacom bursary awards vary depending on the nature of the applicant. The final amount given to a student is based on financial need first and then merit with regards to how well they have performed in academics previously. Out of the many applications Vodacom receives every year, only fifty are awarded and since 1999 1,000 awards have been given out. Though a limited number are given out, every bursary from Vodacom is renewable in the following year and students are encouraged to remain enrolled in the program.
The Vodacom bursaries in South Africa, while offered through the Vodacom Foundation, is not directly managed by the group but instead is handled by a company called Career Wise. All application material is sent directly to this group who will then weed out those who are ineligible and contact those are left for initial interviews. Applications for the Vodacom bursary are available online during August until the end of the month, so students should be sure to have all relevant material handed in as soon as they can.
It is always important to keep options open when applying to bursary programs, and while the Vodacom bursary program will be attractive to many students it should not represent the end of their search. With only fifty awards given out every year, students should continue to their search for potential sources of financial aid. A quick search of internet will turn up a number of possible programs available for students entering computer science or electrical engineering, skill sets which are relatively rare in the country. If awarded you are awarded one of the Vodacom bursaries, be sure to take full advantage of the summer work programs and, if planning to get more than a bachelor degree, consider their graduate program as well.
i’m a student at university of kwazulu natal looking for any education bursaries that i available if you know any please contact me by email.thank you
Also go to The Davis Scholarship Program.
Contacting the financial aids office of the college you are interested in attending is always a top first step for they will offer you up to date information on programs new to their college. Make an appointment with a college (FINANCIAL AIDS OFFICE) in your area which you are interested in attending to discuss your options and to assess your situation.
Contact your state/province educational department of education for assistance too.
We high lite many high profile bursaries which you have to apply directly to the sponsor of the bursary for. Many private companies have bursaries but don’t advertise about and you must ask them directly on how to apply for them. You can actually do this by emailing them or calling them on the phone – or even visiting their websites. Local libraries also have list which may be updated on a regular basis so visit them too.
All places that sponsor bursaries have to be contacted directly to apply either by their website online applications or mailing in a printed out online application to them. Some you must go directly into their business operations to apply.
i am currently doing IT at PC TRAINING & BUSINESS COLLEGE and am asking for bursary that will help me finish my studies.
i would really appriciate your repsonse ASAP.
read more at finding bursaries online. Once you find a bursary online that seems like a good fit for you then apply to it. You must apply directly to the sponsor of the bursary program on their website.
Im doing N.DIP CIVIL ENGINEERING at Central University of Technology,im looking for a bursry that will assist me to complete my career. Any company wishing to give an offer may contact me on 0733379135 or e-mail me at mongezimooi@gmail.com.
have you also looked into government bursaries? Have you talked with the financial aids office at your college to see if they can assist you on the bursary programs which could help you out?. That’s what they’re there for so I would take advantage of there free services as well. Also read up at Finding Bursaries Online as another tool to utilize.
i have been accepted to study at unisa. i will be studying information technology national diploma.i need a sponsor so i can be able to pay for my fees. i am a hard worker and a fast learner. all i need is to be given an opportunity to further my studies and be empowered.
go to government bursaries to read more on.
i hv applied last year bt nthing ive passed matric very well
you must keep on applying to them. Also you want to speak to a FinAids manager at any college to see what student aid options may be open for you. They can fill you in on the latest and best student aid.
I’m a student at Walter Sisulu University,I’m really in need of a bursary.I’m doing NHC:ACCOUNTANCY,I’M a dilligent work and my current results has proved that.Please help,God bless you.
go into the FinAids office at Walter Sisulu University to see what bursary student aid options they have for you along with other potential aid you may be unaware of. To see if you qualify for any bursary you must apply to it directly on the bursary sponsors website.
im a student at vaal unieversity recencly droped out because of finance issues and im jst left with 6 months frm june and the complition of two subject nxt term please help me a the education thats is remeining
read about government bursaries and apply to them. Go directly to your government website and search for bursaries to apply.
you must apply to find out if you qualify – go to Vodacom bursary application.
i am studying bcom business management at the university of limpopo, and i am currently doing my first year. my firsy semester results are quiet good, and i am looking for a bursary but have had no luck in findung the forms. i need help!
hi im a young ambitious man who want to obtain a Bsc in computer science degree wher can i get application forms?
go to Vodacom bursary application to see their instructions.
Iam currently in matric and in need of a bursery even wish to get a degree in LLB
read about university bursaries and government bursaries.
please send me your application forms for bursaries or any post that is applicable there at your campany. Please use the above-mentiond address to correspond with me sir / madam.
there is no ONE bursary application form to apply to all bursaries. Each bursary sponsor has their own form or it’s done online. Apply directly to each sponsor individually.
i need a busary i,m currently studying psychology at ukzn i,m only here because i managed to collect fees for my reg other than that my life is over please help 0839490695 /0785236450
you must apply to any you feel you have a good chance of getting.
you must apply to find out if you qualify to Vodacom bursaries or any bursary program. Go to UKZN bursaries 2012.
hi ther i’m bathabile currently doing administrative management @ tut pretoria campus can u plz snd m websites wer i cn find matching bursaries by.
go to how to find bursaries. You must apply to any bursary first to see if you qualify for it.
I’m a student in Durban University of Technology and I’m doing Civil engineering access I need a bursary for my next semester on july 2012. Please I need help .
you must APPLY to any bursary first to see if you qualify for it. Your government bursary programs are the best to start with. Also read about college bursaries.
My daughter Lindie is a top student with a yearly average of 97.5% for all 9 her subjects. She received two golden awards for achievement in Science and Maths, obtaining a 100% pass rate for all the tests and exams she wrote on both the subjects for the entire year. I don’t have the financial means to let her study and am looking for bursaries to let her study engineering. She has been the top student in her grade for the last five years in a row.
she has to apply to bursaries to find out if she will get them. Apply directly at the bursary sponsors website. Many-times we provide links found near the bottom of the articles; other times you have to search for them on Google – MSN etc.
how does 1 apply for a busary for computer science and what are the requirements?
every program has their own requirements and are different from each other. You must contact the bursary sponsors website of each one to get the details and requirements. Just search for computer science bursaries.
im a student at Midrand Graduate institute… im studying towards a bachelors degree in business adminstration and i major in Human Resource. if possible please foward all information about bursary on Human resources..
go to http://se34.bestserch2.us.com/human+resource+management+bursaries. Also make an appointment with your FinAids office to discuss student aid specifically for you.
helo im a student in rosebank college doing deploma in information technology management and its my second year, i’ve managed to pay for my first year but m strugling to continue please help
you must apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for them. You must contact the bursary sponsor directly and fill out their application either online or mail in. If you never apply to any of the bursaries where you seem like a good fit then you are missing opportunities for financial aid.
anyone wth the link or email adress for busary aplcations plz help. nd tel me how do i aply plz
Hendrick, here you go. The links in the article.
I am a doing information science and i need abursary
read about the UOJ bursaries. Apply to the bursaries of the college you want to attend firstly.
i am doing consumer science extension and rural develpment @ongoye and i’ve been searching for the bursary for my course bt icant find it and i dont have pure maths i did mathematic lateracy i am really in need for the bursary please help
start applying to as many as you can – especially government bursaries. You must apply to them to see if you qualify for one.
i am currently studying human resource management in damelin college and its my fist year i would like to have a fund for my studies for next year as its a 3 year course.im doing a diploma in HRM
apply to the bursary programs at Damelin college firstly, then apply to your own government bursaries. We do not offer bursaries but only write about the better ones.
I am currently studying ND:Accounting in Durban University of Technonlogy and it my first year i like your to fund me in my studies for the next 3 years coming.I thank!!!
top bursaries is what we write about; but we do not offer any bursary programs our-self’s.
Is this bursary only awarded to South Africans only?
I would direct this question to Vodacom. Here’s there contact details.
M A SOUTH AFRICAN M DOING IT IN Limkokwing university of technology….in Lesotho will I be able to get the bassary?
in order to see if you qualify for a particular bursary you first must apply to it. I suggest you see someone in your FinAids office of the school you are attending to see which bursaries are the best for you to apply to. Also apply to your government bursaries through your government department of education website too.
I have been looking fir a bursary in sport and I dont seem to be getting anyway plz help
you can go to sports bursaries to read more. You may want to contact Universities directly to inquire about them.