Eskom bursaries for South African students are offered by the Eskom company which is a major provider of power in South Africa. Their energy portfolio ranges from traditional energy systems using natural gas or coal to more non-traditional methods such as nuclear and solar energy generation. Because of their heavy interest in electrical systems it should come as no surprise to bursary seekers that bursaries at Eskom are largely focused on those students intent on finding careers in engineering, though they also accept a limited number of applicants studying accounting, information systems and various sciences such as geohydrology.
Like many private companies in South Africa offering bursary program students who receive an award from an Eskom bursary will be expected to work with the company after graduation until their award amount is roughly paid off. As this is a fairly normal standard amongst South African bursary programs, students should be willing to accept this if they are serious about looking for financial aid. In part because of the amount of money companies like Eskom give out through their bursary programs, working after graduation is really not a lot to ask for in return. While Eskom reserves the right to end an awardees employment after their bursary obligations are repaid through time worked, it does offer a great opportunity for students to build up their resumes in case they must enter the work force.
The Eskom bursary application form is fairly long compared to other bursary schemes, but the extra requirements are in many ways a plus because they allow the student to further expound on their interests creating the potential for a strong application through activity outside of academics.
Eligibility for the Eskom bursary is fairly generic with respect to other major South African bursary programs. Students must be South African citizens graduating from a school inside of the country. Their academic marks must be good with matriculation scores in math, science and English at no lower than the C level. Interested students must have a sincere passion for one of the eligible fields as listed above and they must be entering their first year of college at an accredited South African university.
The Eskom bursary covers all university and related fees such as exams and registration. Further the program also pays for living expenses and meals while also providing monetary support for books and basic spending money. Applicants must have all relevant material submitted no later than August 31 for each academic year. Because of the high amount of money the program offers for financial aid, students should be prepared for heavy competition. The application itself is a great place to talk skills and interests up, so be sure to review it carefully while ensuring the information provided is the best available.
Apart from going over the normal application requirements such as scores or citizenship status, the bursaries at Eskom application form have a decent space for more information regarding an applicant’s life. There is an allotted space for work history, giving students an opportunity to outline their dedication to various employers. Later in the application a section for interests and hobbies will allow a student to further detail their life, indicating to the selection committee honest passions for the field they have chosen. Questions relating to outstanding achievements should be used to indicate community work or academic awards. Cultural activities is a great place to list clubs students have participated in or volunteer experiences they have had in their local community. The hobbies section will certainly provide a moment for those who have picked up amateur electronics to show their real interest in engineering.
Finally, towards the end of the application, students will be able to describe why they are so interested in their chosen field. Use all of these available spaces wisely as they are relatively limited in room. List only those things which indicate your passions, interests or other factors which may make a selection committee look at your application more favorably. This is how to increase your chances of being awarded Eskom bursaries from South Africa.
Transnet Bursaries in South Africa
I am at university with no good results on science bt i did foundation and i got excellent results.do i qualify for your bursary?
Mbina amanda,
go to Transnet Bursaries in South Africa and contact them directly. Every application is different from everyones else.
i am a student at flavious mareka fet college. i am looking a bursary but my marks are bad, i am studying electrical engineering.
look into government bursaries. They are need based. Visit the FinAids office at flavious mareka fet college to find out what new programs you fit into or some older programs which may also apply for you. Speak to the manager ther.
i need a busary for eskom to help me to.in my studies i need to study engineering n4,n5and n6
go to Transnet Bursaries to read more on Eskom bursaries.
i’m nemabaka thikhathali from limpopo i’m passing grade12 on 2008,i’m looking for a eskom busaries busines
go to Transnet Bursaries to read more.
im a student at wits university and im studying drama.please concider me when you give out bursaries.
Contacting the financial aids office of the college you are interested in attending is always a top first step for they will offer you up to date information on programs new to their college. Make an appointment with a college (FINANCIAL AIDS OFFICE) in your area which you are interested in attending to discuss your options and to assess your situation.
Contact your state/province educational department of education for assistance too.
We high lite many high profile bursaries which you have to apply directly to the sponsor of the bursary for. Many private companies have bursaries but don’t advertise about and you must ask them directly on how to apply for them. You can actually do this by emailing them or calling them on the phone – or even visiting their websites. Local libraries also have list which may be updated on a regular basis so visit them too.
All places that sponsor bursaries have to be contacted directly to apply either by their website online applications or mailing in a printed out online application to them. Some you must go directly into their business operations to apply.
Also go to The Davis Scholarship Program.
hi am murendeni ramoliko i ve been applying the eskom bursery since lasy year but i ve had no responce
go to Eskom contact to send your inquiry.
am a first year student on UJ doing town planning hopfully am failing to fund my studdies i wish to have your scollarship with eskom ass next year 2012 i will request an internship on ur companies
you must contact the sponsor of the bursary directly (via email or phone or their website) to find out how to apply. Unfortunately many companies who sponsor a bursary program do not have very good direction on how you may apply to their bursaries program. Also go to The Davis Scholarship Program.
My name is Anickie Kekae.I am looking for a basary at Eskom.I got N4 Management Assistant working at as Administration at Workforce.But i am currently study my course Customer service management at Unisa,Management Administration at IQ Academy and Senior Bookkeeper NQF4 at Collegesa.May you please help me with Eskom basaries.
go to Transnet bursary scheme.
i have applied to study and i even have a student number and quote of my fees.all i need is a sponsor since i am unemployed and i don’t have money to pay for my fees.i am a hard worker and passionate about my studies.i believe that i would be an asset to the company which will hire me.i am going to be studying information technology.
you must apply directly to the sponsor of the bursary program of the bursary of which you are interested in.
I’m in Grade 11, when can I apply for Bursary?
every sponsor of a bursary has different guidelines and you must ask them if you are eligible to apply. You can do this by sending them an email via their ‘contact us’ webpage which every site has nowadays.
My name is roli I am a student at university of technology first year for accounting,I am a refuge from congo brazzaville 20 years old and I do not have money to persue my studies, all i need is a sponsor.
Yours faithfuly.
make an appointment with the FinAids manager at your college to discuss what student aid options may be offered to you including bursary programs.. There may be others besides bursaries too.
apply to it to find out if you qualify for it. Keep on applying to many others too. Visit the NWU FinAid office to see what all your student aid options are besides bursaries. Government bursaries are always the first ones to look into.
i am a first year and need a bursary for 2012 ,i think my june exam results are good to get a bursary. I want to do biochemistry next year please help if you can.
go into the FinAids office at the college your attending to inquire about bursaries and other student aid options. Most bursaries can be applied to online by printing out a application form to fill out and send back in or apply directly via online application form. this is the only way to see if you qualify for a bursary.
am in the eleventh grade and h i have register for a school for 2014 do i stand a chance for the bursary
you can always ask this question to the sponsor of the bursary by emailing them via their contact webpage on their website.
Hello,what are the chances of getting a bursary if all the required conditions are met e.g school results ,form filled in correctly etc.Im just eager to know are we gauranteed the bursary
go to http://www.eskom.co.za/c/article/639/bursary-in-service-training/ and direct your question. you can do this via their contact webpage. The program may be closed so keep applying to others too. Many can be applied via online.
i am a first year student at north west university, i passed everything above 60% except math at grade 12 . if i apply for your bursary will you consider me, i am doing computer scince
you must apply to find out. Go to http://www.eskom.co.za/live/content.php and contact them via their contact webpage with any and all questions.
i am so surprised about what eskom did ,for the last months because i have been going up and down trying to finish up my steps for me to get bursary with them.but all they did was nothing.the reason why they did nothing was because the offices were empty for the past two months.i am a well qualified learner with some outstanding result.i am now studying at vaal university of technology and i am exsperiencing a huge problem interms financial.i am still looking out help to get bursary at eskom.
go into the Finaid office of vaal university of technology to see what list of bursaries they have to which you can apply to. Maybe Eskom is not in the cards for you. Try Transnet bursaries and Exxaro Bursaries.
I really need a bursary to fullfill my dreams,if only eskom could help with i will be very happy.i am doing the N course at Damelin Secunda.
Cyril nduduzo,
You should also read about the Transnet bursary. Apply at the Eskom Bursary application page.
where can i get the eskom bursary applisation form
Go and read about the Transnet bursary. Read more at the Eskom Bursary application.
im a national diploma in accounting and cuurently in need of financial assistance with my skul fees.wanted to know if u consider diploma students
go to accountancy bursaries to read more. Every sponsor has their very own set of criteria and you must inquire directly with the sponsor to see if they do.
I am hereby requiesting for a bursary for i know my last report it is not that good but because i real need the bursary i will work hard the eskom or any busary forms.
you must apply first to see if you qualify to receive one.
My neice is in grade 7 and she is doing exceptionally well at school, she needs funding to go to a better equipped school. Do you offer bursaries for high school students.
I’m not aware of any. Go to unknown scholarship ideas which give some great advice on finding monies to use for school.
I applied for a eskom bursary at the beginning of the year and i was have an avarage of 71% of my matric results but they didnt respond i even went to their interview but i didnt recieve their feed back. currently im studying at uj and non of fees have been paid except the registration fees, since my parents cannot afford to pay them and this will delay me since im not going to register next year with my outstanding fees. i dont know what to do now and this things is discouraging me to study
look into applying into bursaries from your government. Go also to UJ bursaries.
i’m interested in studying electrical engineerng at tut pls consider when u give bursaries.
Go visit TUT FinAids office to see what latest bursary programs they have. Apply to your government bursary programs too. There are many online bursary schemes to consider as well. Apply to any you seem a good fit for.
i am interested on studying Civil Engineering at Vaal University of Technology
i am interested on studying civil engineering at VUT and i will be glad if you can help me financially to futher my studies.
we provide information on places that have bursary programs but we do not provide them our self. You must contact the bursary sponsor directly.
look into bursaries at this university by visiting their FinAids office directly.
I’m a Tshwane technikon metallurgy student, I’m interested in studying Mining engineering reason being that I could not persue it originally after my matric due to financial constraints. I’m in the middle of my expirential training and I’m set to graduate next year July. I would have graduated beginning of this year but I struggled to find any company offering expirential training to students that are not part of their bursary schemes. My family paid my fees due to the fact that technikon fees are lower than traditional university fees. I wish to study at a traditional university for I feel I am intellectualy capable of handling the amount of work and level of difficulty. Will my diploma in metallurgical engineering offer any advantages if I am to apply for a bursary at Eskom?
I would say you should apply now. It won’t hurt you that’s for sure. I believe you would be a good fit as far as your qualifications are concerned. Look for other bursary programs in the same filed to also apply to!!! – NOW!
I am 23 years old I have passed Matric and My N5 succesfully in Electrical Engineering. At the momemt I am doing N6 part time and I am doing Apprenticeship full time but I need financial aid How Respectable Eskom can assist me in this regard..
go to Eskom bursary contact and submit your question directly.
Im a student @university of venda,u want to ask if is possible for me to be financed by anglo platinum bursary scheme,i managed to pass my matric well in 2010…wt 4 distinctions including maths nd physical science
go to http://www.angloplatinum.com/careers/careers_sub/contact_us.asp and send your inquiry there to find out.
I am a Speech and Drama student, looking for a busarie i am one of the top students have passed all my subjects with A symbols.
start applying to as many bursary programs as you can – Speech and Drama related ones first then the government programs.
My neighour’s son passed matric in 2011 with Maths@79% and Physical Science@82%. He has been admitted at Wits to do Meturllurgical Engineering, but has no Bursary that will take him through the whole academic year.
Can you be of any assistance as he left for university today, 26/01/2011.
Thank You
he should make an appointment to personally meet the FinAids manager at the college he will be attending to discuss bursaries and ALL other student aid options.
I am first year student at University of Johannesburg studying ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING if any bursary is stil a vailable you can contact me.
read University of Johannesburg bursaries. You must apply to find out if you qualify for them.
i am a self motivated student studying towards becoming a Quantity Surveyor i have got a passion when it comes to my school work as it is i obtained good marks,i give my school work all the attention so i am kindly requesting Eskom to fund me and help me achieve my dreams.all will be appreciated.Thank you
you must apply to the Eskom bursary first to see if you qualify. Go directly to their website to apply.
i have tried downloading the application form or even applying online but none of them favour me
Good day
I am current student looking for funding for my studies, I am studying a Bsc(Applied mathematics). Currently in First year. I consider myself very proficient in the fields of mathematics. I wondering if Eskom offers bursarys to student who are involved in the Mathematical sciences?
direct this question to Eskom directly by going to their contact webpage and submitting this question.
i need bursary indeed. i am stuying Electrical Engineering at University of Johannesburg im a first year student
go to UOJ bursary programs.
mine is more lik a question than a comment, am currently studiying in mafikeng campus(North West University) and i have applied for a lot of bursaries but have not got a reply from any..my matric results are good and i thought that those marks it would be easy but its not.. my question is were do i get a bursary which pay this year? if you know of any please.
go to North West University bursary programs. Also inquire into ALL student aid programs their too in their FinAids office.
I’ve applied for a bursary from eskom last year. They phoned me after the interviews to fax my results, and I did that but there is no response. I passed my matric with five distinctions including maths and physical science. Now I, ‘m studying at Tuks waiting for their response. What must I do
go to Eskom bursary information and look at the bottom of the webpage – Re:
“If you have not been contacted within 28 days of the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful”
i study BEd at uj can i apply for meal bursary only
go to UJ bursary program information and direct this question to them via their contact page.
Iam a student at University of Johannesburg in Soweto Campus, Iam looking a bursary, my result are good, i got admission to batchelor degree and studying Diploma Accounting up to so far am using copies. Eskom help none of my family member is employed.
go to bursaries at University of Johannesburg to apply for one. Read more at accounting bursaries.
im a student at sedibeng fet college, im studying electrical engineering so im in financial needy so i will be happy if eskom could help
you must apply to any bursary first to see if you qualify for it. Your government bursary programs are the best to start with. Also read about how to get free bursaries.
Hey I have passed my Grade 12 last year and I don’t meet the requirements for Eskom bursary but I went to a FET collage I was wondering if can I get a bursary from Eskom if I do well in my N3 because I want to study at the technikon in the coming semester
contact them via their contact page and direct this question to them.
you must apply to any bursary first to see if you qualify for it. Your government bursary programs are the best to start with. Also read about university bursaries.
I am zinhle currently doing my first year in a national diploma in builbing,i wanted to know if eskom can be able to sponsor me witha bursary.your response will be appreciated.
you must contact Eskom directly to find out via their contact page. You must apply for it to see if they will.
Hi I copleted my matric last year I need bursary and i’m at DUT doing Civil engineering access student please help me
you must apply to any bursary first to see if you qualify for it. Your government bursary programs are the best to start with. Also read about free bursaries.
I’am a student who is doing first year in electrical engineering,I’m matriculated on 2009 and started my first in 2010 in the same course I’m busy with,but as time goes on I dropped out because I couldn’t make it financially to carry on with my studies, I suffered a money for books to study as I’m perfect to get clear with information when I’m studying on my own I also did not have money to pay for my studies,now I need help financially I’m scared because what happen might happen again,I need help about bursaries to apply.
apply to your government bursary programs firstly, then others from there – online bursaries.
currently doing s4 subjects at vaal university,And looking for a bursary which will offer also training after completion, so how is the way forward to get the bursary?
you must apply to them to see if you qualify. Apply to all the online bursary programs as you can and also your government programs. Visit Vaal’s FinAids office to see what programs you can apply to their.
i am an elesctrical engineering student at CUT and i am really in need of a bursary as i m really struggling financially and that is really impacting my studies. please help me out.
we do not sponsor bursary programs – only write about some really good ones. Best advice is to apply into your gov bursary programs.
i do have matric, n4 electrical and nqf level 4 electrical infrastructure construction can eskom give me a bursary to study electrical in tut from june 2012
you must apply to them – go to Eskom bursaries.
how do i contact the eskom university of johannesburg bursars’ carer? i have a burasry with enterprise but my carer has not been responding and no payments have been done yet?
help ASAP
go to http://www.bursaries.co/392/university-of-johannesburg-bursaries/ and inquire in their Eskom UoJ programs. There is a link which will take you their in this article.
Afternoon, My name is Thabang. I’m currently using Eskom Bursary studying Bsc computer science at UJ. My fees are not paid yet and I will really appreciate it, if you let me know when my fees and accomodation will be paid. My landlord is planning to chasing me away because I haven’t paid my rent for four months including May.
I will really appreciate it, if you respond positively.
you must contact them directly. We cannot help you with this. Go to Eskom bursaries and clink on the link that says the same.
I have apply for eskom bursary and i was called for an interview so a promise they made is they would take over the fees for our study’s end of April.so i want to know whether they have accepted me since in the midle of March they cal me and want my email.so i’m confuse what going on.i’m from Mpumalanga now i’m at VUT.
go to http://www.eskom.co.za/c/52/contact-us/ and contact them directly on this issue.
072 666 9313
you must apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for them. We do not offer direct bursary programs but write about those who do. I recommend that you talk with the FinAids manager at the college you attend to see what specific student aid programs you may be eligible for. Read more about UNISA bursaries.
I got an eskom busury last year even signed a contract but at the end of the year never heard from them what should i do?
here is the contact info for Eskom. I would direct your question directly with them for best response.
I’m current upgrading maths and physical science I want to find out more about the bursaries you offer.I’m interested in eletrical engineering heavy current at Mangosuthu University of Technology in 2013.
you must apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for them. Go directly to the bursary sponsors website to apply. We do not offer direct bursary programs but write about those who do. I recommend that you talk with the FinAids manager at the college you attend (Mangosuthu University of Technology) since you are presently attending; to see what specific student aid programs you may be eligible for.
I’m a 3rd year student at The University of the Free State studying under the BCom extended degree and busy doing some of BCom Accounting subjects and will be under the BCom Accounting degree once I complete the two subjects that I failed last year. My problem is that I struggle to get a bursary because people don’t understand this when I try to explain it to them but I am a good student that I can assure you.Don’t be intimidated by my fails. I would really appreciate it if you could help me with a bursary.
we do not offer bursaries on this website; but only write about the most influential ones so students can discover them and apply to them. You may want to look into your own government bursary programs to apply to. Read more at: http://www.bursaries.co/41/government-bursaries-and-how-they-work/
Thapelo : Currently I am doing Btech in Cost and management Accouting at Vaal Universtiy of Technology ,I hereby wish to apply for bursary from your company, to complete it and I can be a valuable asset to your company, because I am a profound,venturesome and a man of great perception. Your aid will be highly appriciated, because I am really struggling financially and I know I can make a difference if given a chance.
we do not sponsor bursaries but only write about the better ones to apply to. Talk to your FinAids office at Vaal to see what programs they have to apply for which you may be a good fit for. Have you tried your own government bursary programs?
hi mam i have applied for eskom bursary in january this year and i was shortlisted and i was called to come for interview and unfortunate i was busy with registration process and they told me they will be innterview held at Johannesburg and they promised me they will call me within a period of week but the week has ended and i have not received any feedback. I am currently studying Electrical Enginneering in University Of Pertoria and i will really appreciate your help because now i do not have any sponsor my parents are not earning enough so please help me i am from Limpopo Province polokwane that is where i submitted all required documents and God bless you
we write about all the top bursary programs, but we do not process bursary applications. You must contact the sponsors of the bursary program directly.
if you want to do information technology with specialisation in graphic design@ boston city campus do i qualify for your bursary?
you must go directly to their website and direct you question to them. There is a link in the article webpage.
im in need of financial aid im studying ecomomics and risk management at north west university(vaal triangle campus)i would like eskom to help me with financial aid.my matric results are good except maths.
go to: Vaal Triangle Campus of the North-West University bursaries.
I am Keamogetse Makgotlho doing my first year @ UJ in Biotechnology, so I wnt to know if I can apply for Eskom bursary?
you may want to contact therm directly via there contact page to see if you can.
Hi I am Miaji Sibongile Chauke. I’ve been applying for a bursary because I need to finish my studies. I’m currently doing grade 10 and my parents are struggling to pay for my school fees. Please consider my request and help me finish my studies
We do not offer bursaries here; but write about how to get them and the more popular ones. Apply to your government bursary programs because the award them based on need.
Hi. I have got my results recently and would love to be part of the ESKOM family by studying Engineering or any related course with you. I have excellent results in Maths, English, Physical Sciences and other respective subjects. I am a hard working reliable candidate who can work under pressure and prepared to travel.
you must contact Eskom directly and apply.
how high must 1st year student perform in order to qualify for eskom bursary?
you must direct this question directly to the scholarship sponsor – Eskom.
Hy i’m one of the eskom bursa student.can i get a complien line if we are not treated well
M studying electrical engineering at lephalale fet college I am looking for a bursary
you must apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for them. I would apply to as many as you feel your qualifications match up to the bursary criteria. have you looked into government bursaries?
I passed my matric with an avarage of 88% but i found out late that Eskom does fund Beng students, I am asking for you to consider my late application.I am studying Metallurgical but am willing to take responsibility in Electrical Engineering if i receive the opportunity.
Thank you
you must deal with Eskom directly on this.
I have NQf level4 can I apply for bursary
always ask the scholarship sponsor first, before applying, by going to their contact page and send the question directly to them. That is how you always 100% certain of the answer.