Further, if a student is looking around for what colleges to apply to, getting access to all of these bursary lists in order to make an informed decision regarding available financial aid can be a hassle. Obviously it should be becoming clear that some bursary lists are going to be more useful than others, and students in certain situations are going to want different amounts of information available for them depending on their current status. So what will be important going into a bursary search is going to be how to find lists of bursaries, and then how to use them to a student’s greatest advantage. Knowing what to search for and then once found how to make best use of available information is going to give any student a massive leg up in their continued search for financial aid.
One of the first and easiest places to find a list of bursaries is on the internet. While the information is often freely available, students will have to wade through an incredible mountain of information in an attempting to whittle down applicable lists. This represents a huge problem with bursary lists available online, and getting around it can be troublesome. Instead of doing a simple blanket search for “list of bursaries” or even “bursary lists” it may be wise to add another modifier into the phrase. For example, a student can do a search for “bursary list Canada” or switch out Canada for any region a student is planning to attend school in. Results will flood in with bursary lists that look specifically at the region modifier the student uses, which will help narrow your search a fair amount. Of course once the list has been narrowed sufficiently a student will then need to locate reliable lists. As with many things on the internet, bursary lists can quickly go out of date. If there is not a person who is focusing on keeping the lists current, or they are not directly involved with the organizations that are offering the bursaries then bursary lists can easily become unreliable. If a student is looking for bursaries in 2011 but comes across a list where many of the dates are 2010, it would be wise to move on because there is no guarantee that those programs will even be available in the new academic year.A good example of a website which maintains excellent updates would be Scholarship Canada which keeps on top of their material from deadlines to award amounts.
If a student is having trouble locating bursary lists which will apply to them on the internet, a good place to get more information is from the individual college or regional office which awards bursaries for students in a particular locale. In Canada this is an excellent place to find applicable bursary lists and apply for programs at the same time. Similarly, students in the United Kingdom will find available lists of bursaries at their local university detailing not only programs offered through the individual college but also nationally. Where this is not always as applicable is in South Africa where bursaries are often offered through private organizations or through public/private partnerships. Although a list of bursaries will be available through a local university, they are unlikely to be incredibly inclusive and will miss many programs available nationally through private groups. For these students an internet search as detailed above will likely be the best method for finding as many programs as possible.
Im a 18 yr old female,I matriculated in 2010 I passed maths,physical sciences,geography,life sciences,english,L0 and zulu.I would really appriciate it if you would me for a bursary.
Fihliwe Shange,
you must apply directly to the sponsor of the particular bursary you are interested in.
Please send me more info about bursaries
our website has good suggestions on bursaries which will get you started in the right direction. We try to be clear and concise on what we present. Everything we have is posted on our website.
Do u provide ur burseries in collegies
we don’t provide bursaries but point out where you can go to apply to bursaries. We write about many high profile bursaries and also explain the best place to start looking for bursaries – your own government bursary programs are best to start with because they are easy to apply to, and easy to get.
i do not know which bursary that i want .but what i want to study is geology and i don’t think that many bursaries sponsers ,sponsers it
Exxarro bursaries in South Africa are available for students looking for financial aid with specific career goals in mind. Based in South Africa, Exxaro is a business which mines primarily coal, mineral sands, metals and industrial minerals. Contact them or related companies to inquire about their bursary programs.
I’v been applying for exxaro bursaries for the past three years,unfortunately i couldnt find one during that time.I passed my subjects according to their required standards but still ium still strugling.Idid Maths, Engineeering/Physical Science, Engineering Drawing, Mechanotechnology.I’ll be happy if One day my Application will be accepted.
apply to most bursaries online from the comfort of your home. This will save time. Apply to as many as you feel you are a good fit for.
i’m a 21 year old male, studing nursing at walter sisulu university, i need a bursary, which busaries are available for nursing students?
go to nursing bursaries to read more.
I am 19 year old student studing BCOM.4(foundation in BCOM Accounting) I need a bursary,are there any bursaries avalaible for BCOM.4students?
go to gov bursaries to apply to them. Government bursaries normally don’t have restrictions on field of study.
kindly tell me how to contact the sponsers directly ?? any idea how to email them our application ? :/
you must go directly to the sponsor of the bursary’s website to contact them. You must find out what bursary you want to apply to and send them an email via their contact page on their website.
I want know if there are busaries for high school student,i failed my matric,all of my marks were good accept for maths and science,so i want to study at the college so i need help financially.
not aware of any but your school would be able to tell you what your asking.
Good day
My Name is Simone Gamanie and my desire is to further my studies in travel & tourism, i studied tourism in 2007 but due to financial restrain i coulnt study further.
Is there any bursaries available for travel and tourism that can pay in full for my studies?
Please advise
read more about travel bursaries.
I am 18 years old curently doing matric, i am intrested in doin Bcom accounting degree how can i get more detailed information about possible busary options and also how I can get access to them?
read more at accountant bursaries. Also go to http://www.gostudy.mobi/bursaries/StudyField/List.aspx?sid=606.
I am currently studying for a degree in economics here in Namibia and I would like to find any bursary which can grant me in that field of study.
best bet is to look for economic bursaries on your favorite search engine. You may want to search for economic colleges in Namibia.
I have passed my matric year 2003 and my subjects were history 70%,biology %50%,geography 60%,english 2nd language 60%,afrikaans 2nd language 60% and sepedi 1st language 100%, so infact i am looking for a bursary or i can say financial help to futher my studies, so i have been trying to apply for some bursaries but unfortunatly most of the companies i have applied for, didn’t respond so i still dont know if i was disqualified for that bursaries or not …
apply to government bursary programs.
i’m charles and am studying at the university of technology and what i real wish is to get a bursary and my course is office manegement and technology so am ask for a bursary.
you must apply to one to see if you get accepted. Apply directly at the bursary sponsors website.
Hi there im zandile from port elizabeth and i attend at a high school ,i want a busary for life science and physics plz help me
We do not provide bursary sponsorships unfortunately. You must apply to the bursary programs you feel you qualify for. If you don’t apply to a bursary program, you will never find out if you qualify for one.
Apply to as many as you can. You must apply to see if you qualify. To apply, you must go directly to the bursary sponsors website. Start with your region specific government sponsored bursaries firstly then move on to college and company sponsored programs.
im studing logistic management here at university of johannesburg i would like to get you bursary
we write all about bursary programs and do not sponsor them. You must go to UOJ bursaries application to apply.
Im mathebula nado im curently at home i complete my matric last i have pass well so the worse moment is that im from poor bad ground no one is generating income at home i have pass accounting with symbol C Mathematical literacy A, business B, Economics C,Tourism B,L.O B, xitsonga A and english C and my carrer is B.com Accounting(accounting science) i would be glad if offer me a 100% bursary.
we do not sponsor bursary programs – only write about some really good ones. Best advice is to apply into your government bursary programs.
My name is Amanda Daniso I am currently sudying at PC Training and doing my final year in Business Administration. I finished my matric in 2010 I passed well for all my subjects in Maths, Cat, Tourism, History, English, Zulu, LifeOrientation i would be greatful if i get this bursary.
you must apply to them to see if you qualify for it. Go directly to the sponsor of the bursary’s website to apply to most.
Iam currently studying chiropractic at DUT and I was wondering if its possible to get financial aid at this time of the year, if its possible where can I get help? coz I dont know how am I going to pay for my tuition fees.plz help
you must take the time to apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for them. We do not offer direct bursary programs but write about those who do. Talk to the FinAids manager at DUT to see what student aid programs will work for you.
I am a student at Fort Cox college of agriculture and forestry and I’m current doing Diploma in Animal Production in the field of agriculture at King Williams town. My parents suffer for futher studies can you help me by finding any kind of bursary and i should be grateful if you would attend this matter as soon as possible. My number 0737636442
Mr S.Siphe,
we do not sponsor bursaries but only write about some good ones to apply to. Talk to your FinAids office at a college you may want to attend to see what programs they have to apply for which you may be a good fit for you. Also apply to your country/government bursaries.
Search for YOURCOUNTRYNAME WEBSITE. Then search for BURSRIES once there.
Read more at agriculture scholarships.
nko,i need any kind of bursary to keep on studying if u have info.
first apply to your own government bursary programs which are the easiest to get.
am bonisiwe nsimbi I study at amandlethu js school I need a clearity about busaries for next year 2014 and how I can apply for them
our website explains about what you are looking for. I would talk to the FinAids office at the school you attend to discuss in more detail.
where can I get the application forms
May I know if my daughter only interested to study at Tunku Abdul Rahman college, does bursary supply any scholarship for her. Her result is 9A+ and 1A
you should set up an appointment with the Financial Aids manager at the college of Tunku Abdul Rahman and see what type of bursaries and financial aid your daughter can qualify for based on her specific situation and apply to those offered through the college. Have you looked into your own government bursary programs?
How do I find bursaries for private institutions in South Africa?
go to college bursaries and south African bursaries to read more. You can easily go to the websites of the colleges as well to see what bursaries they offer.
I’m 17yrs old male,currently doing Matric this year,please do consider me as one of your applicant for a bursary
you must apply to any bursary program you see on this site, as well as other websites and apply to them. You will never know if you qualify for bursaries, unless you apply for them.
good day, I have applied to study Bcom law at pearson institute of higher learning, so I what I would like to know is that are there any bursaries funding private institutions?
many bursaries are funded by private institutions. Just contact the ones you are interested in , and ask them. Go to bursaries from college, and read more.