Students in South Africa should be well aware that bursary schemes; such as the Transnet bursaries for example, or other schemes are not only incredibly common but amongst the best ways in the country to afford a college education. Many employers, large to small, provide bursary schemes which will in many cases pay for the entirety of a student’s education, but these programs are normally incredibly competitive. A good example of such a program comes from the Transnet bursary in South Africa provided by Transnet, a large company that some South Africans may be readily aware of. This company is the largest freight line logistics specialists in South Africa offering freight rail themselves, rail line engineering programs, operations of port authorities and various pipelines around the country transporting things like fuel or gas.
Because of their general operations it should not be surprising to students that the Transnet bursary scheme looks heavily for engineers, though IT degree seekers and most customer oriented students can look to this program for potential sources of funding as well. Like many other bursary providers, students who receive bursaries at Transnet will be required to work with the company after graduation, so this agreement will need to be seriously considered by all potential applicants. If a student does not really have much interest in this particular field it would be unwise to pursue a degree in it, much less apply for a bursary. Beyond this, because of the competitiveness of the program, students without a real zeal for the profession will likely be easily identified and left without funding.
The Transnet bursary, like many of its counterparts from different companies, pays for just about everything. To this end, tuition for school will be completely covered, living arrangements and meals are paid for, an allowance for books is available, and a computer can be paid for should the second year of education require one. Transnet bursaries also offer another benefit that is not as common in similar programs until graduation – it provides students with experiential training along the way allowing students to not only get a greater amount of use out of the overall bursary but gain a few extras to pad their resumes. Students who are awarded a Transnet bursary may decide on which South African university they will attend and have the added option of attending a technical university instead. Allowing for a diversity of fields, Transnet bursaries cover students interested in engineering with regards to industrial, electrical, mechanical, and civil work while also providing for those students interested in metallurgy.
Throughout the course of the application process, selected students will be interviewed, reviewed for academic success and assessed for medical fitness. Students who do not meet acceptable standards in any of these situations will not be eligible for the program.
Transnet bursaries are available to all South African citizens who are able to meet basic qualifying standards as set privately by the company and are interested in pursuing one of the above listed fields. As students progress in their academic studies, reward amounts will be renewed so long as academic success is an ongoing fact. Students who fail courses along the way will have to retake them at a cost to themselves, as taking a class over will not be covered by the Transnet bursary scheme. If a student continues to perform badly, Transnet reserves the right to consult with the student’s university to assess future possibilities of academic success and, if the assessment is poor, end the bursary scheme while requiring full repayment of all distributed funds. It is for this reason above all others that students who apply to the bursaires at Transnet, and others like it, perform well in school, refusing to let themselves slip along the way.
When vacation from university studies occurs, students will be able to pick up work in June-July and December through January. This additional work will give students important on the ground training and give them a heads up on the field they are entering, enabling them to learn more about their profession as they develop their skills in school. The Transnet bursaries in South Africa are comprehensive programs and one of the top level bursary schemes in the country and coveted by many serious students.
Eskom Bursaries for South African Students
Vodacom Bursaries in South Africa
I am an FET student doing N4 at Coastal KZN Collage,i am in the civil engineering department.I am looking for a busary who will pay for me at University to complete my deploma
Also go to The Davis Scholarship Program.
Contacting the financial aids office of the college you are interested in attending is always a top first step for they will offer you up to date information on programs new to their college. Make an appointment with a college (FINANCIAL AIDS OFFICE) in your area which you are interested in attending to discuss your options and to assess your situation.
Contact your state/province educational department of education for assistance too.
We high lite many high profile bursaries which you have to apply directly to the sponsor of the bursary for. Many private companies have bursaries but don’t advertise about and you must ask them directly on how to apply for them. You can actually do this by emailing them or calling them on the phone – or even visiting their websites. Local libraries also have list which may be updated on a regular basis so visit them too.
All places that sponsor bursaries have to be contacted directly to apply either by their website online applications or mailing in a printed out online application to them. Some you must go directly into their business operations to apply.
I’ve been writing N6 exams still waiting for my results in Civil .Nest year I will be doing Quantity Survey at the University..Is it possible for me to get bursary at Transnet?
Barbie Myeki
you must apply to bursaries to see if you qualify. You can always send an email into the sponsor to ask them if you fit their criteria for the bursary award – best bet!
I would like to have one your bursaries as i am in grade 12 next year i want to do enginereering but i wont have the finances to study further i realy need this bursary
Also go to The Davis Scholarship Program.
Contacting the financial aids office of the college you are interested in attending is always a top first step for they will offer you up to date information on programs new to their college. Make an appointment with a college (FINANCIAL AIDS OFFICE) in your area which you are interested in attending to discuss your options and to assess your situation.
Contact your state/province educational department of education for assistance too.
We high lite many high profile bursaries which you have to apply directly to the sponsor of the bursary for. Many private companies have bursaries but don’t advertise about and you must ask them directly on how to apply for them. You can actually do this by emailing them or calling them on the phone – or even visiting their websites. Local libraries also have list which may be updated on a regular basis so visit them too.
All places that sponsor bursaries have to be contacted directly to apply either by their website online applications or mailing in a printed out online application to them. Some you must go directly into their business operations to apply.
I understand what you are saying and I did try some of them but it did not work,because the course Non-Desructive testing most of the companies do train their employees ‘in house’.They dont have the information about VUT offering the course.
I think its because NDT is not known nationally and people dont consider it because they dont know it.
I would suggest if you can introduce the cruciality of the course and Your company be the first to offer the bursaries for the course.Because it does also play very important role in your company.
I would like to hear from you anytime soon and I hope I will be the first student to study NDT with your bursary.
direct your question directly to Transnet – Transnet bursaries.
i have read and understood how bursary work and am interested in transnet busary. so how do i aply
go to Transnet bursaries to see how.
how can i find the application form for the Transnet bursary?
go to Transnet bursary application.
go to Accountancy bursaries to read more on. Contacting the financial aids office of the college you are interested in attending is always a top first step for they will offer you up to date information on programs new to their college.
i a looking for busary i have completed my matric in 2009
you must apply to them. Most can be applied to online. You can start by going to a List of Bursaries and How to Find Them.
I’m Presently studying Mining Engineering at UNISA and I am in need of a bursaries that could help me to achieve my dreams. I know you might have been approached by many people pertaining such things but you’re always very generous.
Thank you in advance
R.M Mpembe
go to Transnet bursary application to apply.
i’m looking forward to get a respond from you
we explain about many various forms of bursaries on our site but you must apply to them if you want to find out if you qualify for one. You do this by going directly to the bursary sponsors website to apply online directly with them. There is normally a link in the article which will take you there, or you must search for the bursary in your favorite search engine to come to the updated and correct URL to apply. If the bursary sponsor changes their links often then we will not continue to provide the link in our article.
i am a current student in Durban University of Technology doing Mechanical Engineering i do not afford.i am really in need of a bursary.
look over these South African bursaries and apply to those which are a good fit for you. Apply to any bursary you seem look you may have a chance to win it. Always apply to gov bursaries first.
how could one Acesse the above busary?
go to Transnet Bursary Scheme.
Transnet bursary schemes are for electrical studies so this co. would be a good fit.
Am doing extended national diploma in mechanical engineering at University of Johannesburg. I reliable for my own fees, i manage to pay 60% of my fees, now I don’t have 40% remaining. Am in need of bursary
go to South African bursaries to read more which may help. Look into government bursary programs too.
hi i would like to request application to this sponser and i would like to do degree in huminities
You should also read about the Transnet bursary. Apply at the Eskom Bursary application page for similiar.
I’m currently working as a Train Ass. @ Danskraal nd would like 2 complete my ND: Accounting through aTransnet bursary scheme.Iv studied the 2 years at DUT in 2003 and 2004.My home depot manager denies bbursaries for Commerce.Pls help!
you must apply to them to see if you qualify. Apply to those as well as these: Go to Accountancy bursaries which may help you.
i am a Civil Engineering Graduate now looking for a job,how do i go about it because i am not sure.
search for ‘Civil Engineering jobs in South Africa’ in any internet browser to get you started for some ideas on where to apply to.
Im am currently doing BA majoring in industrial psychology, where can i get a bursary
try government bursary programs first. Visit your FinAids office of the school you are presently attending immediately to see which newer bursary programs you can apply too which the school has for their students. If they don’t have much they can recommend others to you.
I’m looking for a basary an i’m studing at TUT doing Information and Comunication Technology.
start applying to as many as you can. You will never know if you qualify unless you apply.
need help with bursaries
apply to them where you feel you are a good fit for – or you’re qualifications are in line with the bursary criteria.
I’m having N5 certificate in electrica engineering and I wish to complete N6 but due to finance dificulties I cant proceed futher with my studies and I always apply but nothing is happening please help me with one of this JOB or BURSARIE.
have you applied to the government bursaries and online bursaries?
I am studying Chemical Engineering this year 2012 as my first year I would like to have a bursary of Transnet so that I could complete my studies.
you must apply to see if you qualify. To apply, you must go directly to the bursary sponsors website. Go to Transnet bursary scheme.
Hi im T FMsimango have Matric But now im currently doing N4 in Plublic Managment. Since Transnet is the Company i know since i did my research on what the Company is all about i would like to do an Internship
go directly to their website to apply for it.
Hi!!! I am Penelope I wana apply but all I get is hw everythng works and I don’t get the information on how to apply… Thanx
go to Transnet bursary schemes. Everything you need is there.
inquire in the FinAids office at NKANGALA FET COLLEGE about what bursary programs to apply to. They will give you a list to apply for theirs as well as others too.
I am first year NDT student in VUT, I have been doing NDT learnership for the past two years so and I have NQF level 2 Qualification on NDT.So now I am studying towards N.Diploma on the same field,the problem is finance.
you will not being wasting your time and money by offering me abursary because I have basic information about the course NDT.And you will be inversting on me because after completion I will work for you and make a HUGE difference in your company.
I am contactable at 079 418 1481 or 074 848 1481
direct your question from the information on this URL – Transnet bursaries.
im currently doing grade 11 and im already preparing for my studies after matric,electrical engineering,is possible for me to start applying for your bursary?
apply to your government bursaries firstly and then your college bursary programs. These are always the easiest and best first steps; then to Transnet bursaries.
go to Transnet bursaries and you will see how.
i hereby applyng a bursary to this company i am at majuba fet college at newcastle an iam already prepare my studies im doing electrical engineering level 2(ncv)i attached my please to this company because i am looking forward to my future. i am confident that i will be the one of your student in this capacity to expierence my self i hope your will consider my application.
kenneth mohlala
always apply first to YOUR government bursary programs by going to their website and searching for bursaries in the search box.. You must apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for them. Go directly to the bursary sponsors website to apply. We do not offer direct bursary programs but write about those who do. I recommend that you talk with the FinAids manager at the college you attend to see what specific student aid programs you may be eligible for. Read more at: finding bursaries online.
I’m doing matric this year and I would like to apply for a bursary to do mechanical engineering. My mother haven’t got money to further me in my studies. How can I apply for the bursary online.
go to finding bursaries online.
hai am doing b.a psychology in unirvesity of limpopo.as i have fanacial problem i just want to kno if this schema cane help me by giving me bursary
you must apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for them. Go directly to the bursary sponsors website to apply. We do not offer direct bursary programs but write about those who do. I recommend that you talk with the FinAids manager at the college you attend to see what specific student aid programs you may be eligible for
I am a student studying accounting sciences at the University of Pretoria and I need a bursary because my parent cannot afford for my tertiary fees.
you must apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for them. Go directly to the bursary sponsors website to apply. We do not offer direct bursary programs but write about those who do. I recommend that you talk with the FinAids manager at the college you attend to see what specific student aid programs you may be eligible for.
I am a vibrant student looking toward to a bright future i complete my matri 2010 am 19 years now. am looking for any bursary
I would look into the bursaries which your own government provides firstly; then look into the bursaries which your college will provide to you, then private bursaries. You must apply to them to see if you qualify for them.
im looking for a bursary to let me through university doing office admin but now im in level 3 at college and next year its my last year
have you applied to your government bursary programs yet?
can asylum student in south Africa get bursary tagged only south African citizens
not sure what your asking???
But to be safe when you apply to any bursary program, it is best to direct unusual questions directly to the bursary sponsors.
Hello….i got N4 in Mech…please is anyway to have a burasy for Ndt am very intersted to do it but anuables to afford the cost .thanks
you should ask the sponsor of the bursary that question (via their contact webpage) firstly before applying to it. You must firstly apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for them.