Law bursaries are a great way for students to fund their education should they have the gumption to make it through a lot of work in college. Students interested in a law bursary should know that, in most cases, these programs are available in South Africa, though some also have cousins across the world in the United Kingdom or even in Australia. Law firms very often rely on fresh blood to help keep the organization moving, either through helping with the books, writing up case briefs, or researching some of the facts on the ground. Those students who are lucky enough to get access to a law bursary will find that they will be introduced to their chosen professional field effectively well and they will likely start getting a taste of what is to come.
Doing a quick search on the internet reveals that there are a number of law bursaries available to students interested in the financial assistance, they only need apply themselves. Even in this economic climate many lawyers are still thriving financially and the firms which provide law bursaries are normally fairly well large and well known. Of course students looking for law bursaries should check not only with various firms but also with the colleges they are applying to as well as national organizations which connect students to bursaries as they are available.
National Law Bursaries in UK
LLM is a national organization which works to help students interested in the law get current information on the field and provide access to a number of law bursaries. They provide access to over 20 different legal bursaries in and around the United Kingdom. An example of what they have is the Birmingham Law School Legal Bursary program in which students will have access to up to 2,000 pounds or 5,000 pounds in financial aid depending on their origin. Applicants will need to be already accepted to Birmingham’s law program, have a strong academic history, and be able to show financial need. All submitted materials must be in no later than June 24.
Another law bursary offered through LLM is the University of Edinburgh Distance Learning program. Ten different law bursaries will be awarded every year of varying amounts. Students will need to be accepted into distance learning law courses, be residents of the UK, and be students of Edinburgh University. Application materials will need to be turned in by May 31.
Law Bursaries in South Africa
Norton Rose, a legal firm in South Africa, offers bursaries for law to promising students interested in the field. In 2011, the business sponsored over 20 different students around the country providing over R500, 000 in assistance. Students participate first in the “Vacation Program” in which they submit an application to work at the firm during a summer break. Successful applicants may go on to receive funding which will pay for much of their masters education. Like nearly all South African bursaries, students should know that by signing a bursar agreement they will be agreeing to work for the company after graduation to repay the amount of money spent with time worked. While this is still an excellent deal, students who want to sign up for a law bursary with Norton Rose should know for sure that they want to work in the field.
Another South African legal firm which offers law bursaries is Webber and Wentzel. Students interested in this program will receive R30, 000 to help pay for school and related expenses. All applicants will need to be from a disadvantaged background and be able to show financial need. While no specific grade point average is listed, students are expected to have a strong academic history and show great promise in the field of law. All application material is due by January 21.
DLA Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr is another South African firm which provides students with law bursaries. In order to be considered for the program students will need to be residents of South Africa, be enrolled in a law program full time, and have a strong academic history. The decision making process determines winners based on academic success and exceptional performance in other fields. This program provides complete funding for a student’s education including related expenses. All applications are to be submitted by September 1 of every year.
i request application for this sponser and i am currebtly doing nothing but i would like to study at uj. i would like to do degree in law
go directly to their website to apply online. If you have questions on this send them an email via their contact page.
Iam currently in Matric i would like to do degree in law at UWC
contact the FinAids office at UWC to see what bursary programs they have which you can apply to based on your qualifications. Also inquire into other scholarship/grant/need based programs you may eligible for too.
Helo,i’m currently doing matric,although i’ve made my application to universities with the c.a.o ,and i’m intrested in doing law as my career,but need assistance:interms of financial aid.
contact the places which have law bursaries to see if they have programs for your situation. Many do.
i am currently completed my first year this year in L.L.B and intend on applying for a bursary in order to meet the financial requirement. i would therefore want to apply for the bursary.. i plea for help wit the matter.
your kind regards
clink on the link in the article to apply at the bursary sponsors website.
I have been considered for a degree in LAW at the University of Witwatersrand but I do not have any financial assistance…are ther any bursaries still available for me this year?please reply quickly because registration is next week,PLEASE HELP
Make an appointment wit the FinAids office at the University of Witwatersrand and ask them about ALL student financial aid they may have for you which you can apply for – even grants.
I am a law student at University of the Free State(Main Campus),I succesfully registered for my 2nd Academic year,I come from a disadvantaged background in a relatively rural area.I would like to recieve a bursary or any sort of financial support.I look forward to hearing from you.
talk with your FinAids office about bursary programs and need based student aid. You should be a good candidate for it.
I am a first year student in NORTH WEST UNIVERSITY (MAFIKENG CAMPUS).I am in da faculty of LAW(LLB).I would like to ask for a bursary because I am struggling financially.I am looking foward to ur response.
contact the FinAids office at the college you are attending to see what student aid financial options they may have available at this time – bursaries as well as grants and other need based student aid which you may be eligible to apply to. Go to Northwest University bursaries. Also read about online bursaries you can apply to.
I’m currently studying in the University of Johannesburg,doing my first as LLB degree student. Im on bursary but it a one year contract bursary,so I would appreciate funding for next year,as both of my parents are unemployed.
you must speak to the FinAids office at the University of Johannesburg about that.
i just wanted to know when are the application forms gona be out cause i am currently doing my second year in LLB and so i want to know where to get the application forms or at least if i can get your e-mail address.I would also like to know what are the requirements?
you must go directly to the bursary sponsor and apply their or direct your question to the bursary sponsor about their application requirements.
I am a first year law student at the ukzn howrard college campus, im desparately in need for financial assistance. the packages that were available for this year are finished ( financial assistance). i would like to help me with some sort of financial aid.
try your government bursary programs which are more forgiving.
Hey!im cleopatra im currently studying law (LLB) .Its my second year and I would really appreciate it if i could receive financial assistance to futher my dream as an advocate.
you must apply to any bursary first to see if you qualify for it. Your government bursary programs are the best to start with. Also read about how to get free bursaries and applying for bursaries online.
i am currently a matriclant and i really need a bursary for Law and i am clueless as to where to start…please help.
look into this law bursary program.
Iam currently in matric i would like a financial assist for law studies in 2013
apply to any law bursary program you can to see if you qualify. We do not sponsor bursaries – just write about the most noteworthy ones.
you must apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for them. We do not offer direct bursary programs but write about those who do. I recommend that you talk with the FinAids manager at the college you may be interested in attending to see what specific student aid programs you may be eligible for.
local government bursary
you must apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for them. We do not offer direct bursary programs but write about those who do. I recommend that you talk with the FinAids manager at the college you attend to see what specific student bursary programs you may be eligible for. Go to http://www.univen.ac.za/student_financial_aid.html to get started.
what a nice bursary.i would like to be assistant by you but i am currently doing my first year at the UNIVERTY OF VENDA,So i dont know if you may be ABLE TONASSIST ME BECAUSE I AM IN NEED OF YOUR BURSARY.
I am currently on my 2nd Academic year studying Law at UoFS Bloemfontein. I strugle to get a Financial Aid, Word is that Law is classified as a non Scare Skills Activity hence am disadvanteged. I seriously need a Bursary, how will I be assisted?
you may want to discuss your student aid needs with the university FinAids office of which you presently attend. Have you looked into your very own ‘government bursary’ programs?
permanent yonela tibe
i am a 1st yea law student at rhodes university, my mother is unemployed & she does not have any source of income, im fully dependant on her as a guardian and a parent, my father passed away last year so i do not have any one who will pay for my fees. If my application succeeds i promise to work hard & give every satisfaction.
you must apply to the bursaries at your college and the ones you can find on our website as well as others to see if you qualify for one. Bursaries are need based!
Hi, first of all big ups to the wonderful work dat u guys do. Im a second year law student at u.j. nsfas was supposr to b paying for my fees, as i applied nd was approved. A couple of days before signing the contract i gt robbed on my way from varsity, my bag-containing my id is taken. I get to d nsfas and explain the situation, im told dat id hav to make a plan pay for my studdies as the id book is the only document that is accepted. I’m still attending classes , without books-writing tests, assignments…while looking for a job as majority of bursary institutions are closed. Please advise me on what to do.
read more at University of Johannesburg bursaries. Look into your very own government bursaries too.
Hi magadane Dakaho, am currently studying LLB at university of Limpopo.am doing my second year.Am asking financial assists
I would apply firstly through your government for bursaries since they are the easiest ways to obtain them!
I am determined young girl who plans on entering the field of law.I require financial assistance
you must apply to bursaries and scholarships to see if you qualify for those programs. Look into your own gov bursaries as well to. Unfortunately; we write about many popular bursaries, but do not offer them directly.
i am currently doing my llb degree at university of fort hare am highly in need of a busary to fund my fees am a first year student
apply to the bursary programs in your FinAids office at your college – best bet. Secondly; apply to your government bursary programs – they are easy to apply to and easier to get.
I have completed my LLB Degree and would like to further my studies to qualify as an advocate. I were supposed to register at the School of Law in January 2014 but due to lack of funds my dream could not materialise and I would appreciate it if any Law Firm could assist me to realise my dream of serving my beloved country to the fullest.
you must apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for them. Have you looked into your government bursary programs?
I am Rayi Lonwabo and I am doing my first year (LLB) at the University of Fort Hare, I need a bursary for my second, third and fourth year. Can you help?
we write about bursaries but don’t provide any directly here.
I am Mamello Sekonyela and a first year student at the University of the Free State ,I am ineed of a busary to continue with ma law studies.Your help will be highly appriciated.
you must apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for one. Go directly to the bursary sponsors website to apply there.
Have you applied to your own government bursaries? If not you should – easy to apply to and easy to get!
can you please give me the bursary sponsors website for law
you must go to the sponsor of the law bursary websites and apply directly with each. There isn’t one law bursary website. Most are private law firms. You can see one here: http://www.law.qmul.ac.uk/undergraduate/bursaries/
I am currently doing my Matric in Ulwazi High School and I am longing for a law bursary.I applied for LLB degree in University of Fort Hare my June report meet the requirements of the degree.I wish to apply online
apply to any bursary program which you meet their criteria. Have you looked into your own government bursary programs? If not you should apply to them first and foremost.
I’m currently in grade twelve I need a financial support to further my studies in law . please help me .
Have you looked into your government bursary programs? If not you should. They are need based and are easy to apply to and easy to win. Also talk to the FinAids office of a college to see what need based programs you can apply to.