Bursaries for private college from Canada, UK and South Africa offer students the opportunity to defray the cost of attending a private college or university. Funding bursary opportunities exist in a number of areas throughout the world, including South Africa, Canada and the UK. Students who apply for such bursaries are typically required to demonstrate they have a financial need. In other instances, bursaries for private college may be offered by companies that have an interest in trading future work time for student financial aid.
Bursaries for Private College result in Jobs after Graduation
Bursaries can provide an excellent way to obtain a college education on the private level. In both the UK and Canada, systems are available that allow students to apply for such bursaries through a single form. Students should also consider applying for bursaries with companies that are seeking a work/financial college assistance exchange. Along with providing financial assistance for college now, these types of bursaries also offer an excellent chance to obtain a job after graduation. Students may be able to receive funding for tuition and books as well as for living expenses.
South Africa Bursaries for Private College
In South Africa, bursaries for private college can help to significantly defray the high cost of attending a private college, which is typically much more expensive than tuition at a subsidized public institution. Contract bursaries in South Africa typically require students to pay back their educational assistance by working at the sponsoring company once they have completed their degree. This type of arrangement offers a job along with work experience upon graduation. Many engineering and mining companies frequently offer these types of contract bursaries. Bursary Registers at high schools as well as university financial aid offices can often provide interested students with a complete list of bursaries that may be available in their particular field of interest.
Canadian Bursaries for Private College
In Canada there are a number of external organizations that offer bursaries for private college. The Association of Universities and College of Canada offers awards for dependent children of numerous companies and organizations. Other options include:
Automotive Industries Association of Canada
Cambrian Foundation-Charlotte Carter Memorial Fund
Canadian Association of Broadcasters
Canadian Forces Personnel Assistance Fund
Canadian Golf Association
Canadian National Railways Company
Canadian Printing Industries
Canadian Recreational Canoeing Association
Community Living Ontario
Dalian Aboroginal Recognition Award
Dow Chemical Canada, Inc.
Broadcasters of the Future
Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada
IODE-Provincial Chapter of Ontario
Judge Brian Stevenson Fund
Knights of Columbus
Lake Huron Zone Recreations Association
Lakehead University Transfers Scholarships and Bursaries
Lanxess Inc. Higher Education Program
Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario
NAV Canada Training Institute
Northern Bursary Program
Ontario Teacher’s Federation
Parents Cooperative Preschoolers International
P.E.O. Sisterhood
Public Service Alliance of Canada
Rotary Club of Ottawa
Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command Bursary Program
Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Program
St. John Ambulance Bursary
Sudbury Regional Hospital
Whipper Billy Watson Education Bursary
UK Bursaries for Private College
Students in the UK may wish to consider the following bursaries for private college. The Armed Services bursary provides funding opportunities for students with a desire to continue their education through the Ministry of Defence or the Army. MOD bursaries are available for students in the following fields:
Engineering Science Control Systems
Naval Architecture
Ship Science
Marine Engineering
Aeronautical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Computer Systems Engineering
Information Technology
Computer Science
Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering
Building Services Engineering
The Undergraduate Bursary targets students who wish to study physics or a related subject and is sponsored by the Institute of Physics.
NHS Bursaries for Private College
The NHS also offers a number of bursaries for students who are interested in pursuing careers in the health field. Students should contact the school of their interest to find out if they participate in the NHS bursary program.
is difficult for students who go to private colleges to get bursaries
bursaries are usually need based; so it may be difficult. Ask the bursary sponsor before filling out their application via their contact webpage. When you read the bursary qualification guidelines it usually will give you a good idea on how they select bursary recipients.
iwould liketo
government bursaries are need based and are the easiest to get. I would apply to your government bursary programs firstly; and private ones secondly.
plaese i leave with only my poor mumm I am augandan
apply to your own government bursaries because they are need based and easier to get!