UWO bursaries are available from the University of Western Ontario to students of the college on a variety of levels. It is desirable to get a UWO bursary rather than taking out student loans as they are used to supplement overall financial needs and are not expected to fully fund an individual’s costs.
Students seeking UWO bursaries should run a quick self-assessment and understand where they stand as the available programs come in a number of formats, some of them very specific. For instance, older students may be eligible for the senior citizens program, while all students may be able to apply for the student guarantee program. While there are UWO bursaries available for students across the university, students should seek out programs unique to their specific departments as there is additional financial aid to be found there.
Must prove Financial Need for UWO Bursaries
A UWO bursary tends to reward less to a student but those who apply will have fewer applicants to compete against. It is often the case that these department originated UWO bursary programs are available to students who have shown strong academic marks in previous school years. Students should know that bursaries in Canada, as a general rule, are given out to students who can show a genuine financial need. Not only will students need to show their economic status, but the overall cost of their schooling will be taken into account as well.
Ontario Student Access Guarantee UWO Bursary Program
In general students will find that they are able to apply for the Ontario Student Access Guarantee UWO bursary program. This program is provided in cooperation not only with UWO but also the provincial government of Ontario and works towards the goal of ensuring that all Ontario students have access to high education.
With such laudable goals in mind, the OSAP UWO bursary will provide a varying amount of assistance depending on need and the university itself will pick up the remaining fees. Students who are interested in this program should strive to be a part from a “first entry program” which has been established to allow direct transference from high school into college. Those who are not enrolled in a first entry program will still be able to apply for OSAP but must be Canadian citizens and be registed at least part time while showing a strong need for assistance. Applicants should have their material submitted for the OSAP program by October 31.
First Year Students UWO Bursary – Admission Bursary
Students who are attending the university for the first time may find that they are eligible for the First Year Students UWO bursary, also known more simply as the Admission Bursary. This program gives out a varying amount of financial aid and is very specifically designed to supplement initial financial needs. Students interested in the program will need to be enrolling in UWO for the first time in their lives and should fill the Admission Bursary form when they are admitted to the school. Students who register too late to fill out this form will be able to apply for funds through the Financial Assistance Profile set up through student services during late August.
Senior Citizen UWO Bursary Program
The Senior Citizen UWO bursaries program is aimed at students who are legally considered senior citizens but have an interest in returning to school. Awarding at least $3,277 and up to $6,000, this particular UWO bursary is a great way for the older students on campus to afford their education. Applicants will need to be registered as students on the main campus and be over the age of 60. All materials should be submitted before the start of classes in any given academic cycle.
First Generation UWO Bursary Program
Working towards assisting students who come from families that have no collegiate history, the First Generation UWO Bursary was established some assistance to those in need. Giving out awards as high as $3,500 this program will help students fill any remaining gaps in their financial aid. No amounts awarded will be below $1,000 and students who can show the greatest need for assistance will reap the greatest rewards. All applicants must be Ontario residents, be children of a family with no collegiate history, and have a financial aid profile. Applications should be turned in before October 31st.
More University Bursary Programs
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read about Canadian bursaries.
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read about Canada bursaries.