In South Africa, KPMG bursaries for accounting offer students who are studying BCom Internal Audit Honours or BCom Accounting Science a chance to further their educational goals. KPMG is a global network that offers tax, audit and advisory services; or more specifically accounting services. KPMG firms operate in 144 countries around the country.
To be eligible students must be a South African citizen and must achieve a minimum of 60% for Financial Accounting. In addition, they must have an average of at least 60% for all combined subjects for BCom accounting Service. To receive an internal audit bursary, applicants must pass the degree Cum Laude. Applications may be submitted throughout the year.
Two unique bursary opportunities are offered by KPMG for students who are studying to become SAICA accredited chartered accountants. These KPMG bursaries provide an excellent opportunity for students with goals of becoming CAs to receive assistance in furthering their educations. The Pure Merit Bursary is awarded only on the basis of a student’s academic results.
The Merit Bursary with Financial Needs is based on both financial needs and academic results. Both of the KPMG bursaries in accounting require demonstration of outstanding academic achievement in order to receive the bursary. Students who apply to receive a bursary through KPMG will be asked whether they require extensive funding for their studies and whether they would be able to attend school without significant financial support. The bursaries take into account the dynamic needs of students to ensure that all students funded by the firm have what they need in order to successfully complete their studies. The skills required in the professional services workplace are also taken into account.
In order to apply for the Pure Merit Bursary or the Merit Bursary with Financial needs, applicants must meet certain criteria. In addition to studying for a SAICA recognized degree, applicants must be engaged in full-time study, must be completing their degree in the minimum number of years and must have an academic average of at least 65%. Students must maintain their academic achievements in order to continue receiving the bursary. Students will need to complete a training contract when applying for a KPMG bursary.
Along with the bursary for students in South Africa, KPMG also offers a bursary for students in the Channel Islands. This bursary is available to students who demonstrate they have a wide range of abilities and skills and who also possess the motivation to study towards receiving a tax qualification or accountancy following completion of their degree. KPMG offers paid work experience, financial support and student mentor support throughout the completion of their three year degree. Students who receive a tax or accountancy bursary will also benefit by establishing a professional relationship with a local employer. This will assist students in developing an understanding of how KPMG works in the islands, while also offering an understanding of the necessary professional qualifications for their future career endeavors.
The KPMG bursary program is structured to assist students by covering a portion of their books, accommodations and tuition fees. Bursaries are specifically designed to take the dynamic needs of students into account to ensure that students funded by the firm have what they need in order to successfully complete their studies.
The internal audit graduate program at KPMG is specifically designed to ensure students are fully prepared for a career in Internal Audit or IA. The IA field provides specialist services in enterprise risk management, corporate governance and internal auditing.
Not only do students receive the financial assistance they need through KPMG bursaries for accounting to complete their education, but they also receive the opportunity to engage in a stimulating and exciting experience that will equip them with the skills they need for their future career goals. The mentoring program also provides an avenue for positive feedback and career counseling. Furthermore, the initial three year training period provides graduates with both practical and formal training opportunities to enhance their overall skill sets.
I did not apply last year and I am registered in University of Johannesburg doing Diploma in Accounting can you please help me with funds if possible
since you will be attending the University of Johannesburg you will want to look into all the University of Johannesburg bursaries as well as the accountancy bursaries they have as well. Also look into your own government bursary programs too!
good Day
i am a student at university of SA and doing my third year modules in Bcom Internal Auditing. do i qualify for a bursary or intenship?
go into the financial aids office at the university of SA to discuss this. Government bursaries may be best for you.
Please help….I’m an undergraduate with dreams to pursue my passion as a lawyer but financially I’m disadvantaged. I have applied at Howard university and I’ve been accepted but I lack financial support, kindly redirect me to were I could get a potential sponsor or if KPMG could assist a lad in further chasing his dreams.
since you are at Howard presently; I would sit down with a financial aids councilor to discuss your options with this school. Monthly colleges get updated automatically with new programs that you could apply to. You can also apply to government bursaries in the country you live too. Also; no cosigner student loans, which are government loans, are always a good last resort.
i really desperate for bursary, i passed my matric very well and i got admission in faculty of economics and financial services to study Bcom Finance. Please KPMG assist me with accomodation and study fees.
apply to as many bursary programs as you feel you are qualified for! You will never know if you qualify for them if you don’t apply to them.