With the help of UOV Bursaries for college, you may have the connection you need to finish paying for your education. The University of Victoria offers over $4 million annually through this program, which is a huge contribution for the students. If you aren’t familiar with a bursary, it is a grant that doesn’t have to be repaid and this is what students should continuosly look for to help them pay for their college.
UOV bursaries are based on financial need as the primary factor so applicants DO need to complete worksheets and supply documentation of their income. Qualifying for student loans, work study, or other scholarships won’t prevent you from qualifying for a UOV bursary. The funds are in place to help offset the cost of college when it is going to prevent someone from being able to attend.
The University of Victoria does all it can to make sure students are able to get a quality education and that they are able to find a way to pay for attending. They offer more than 100 education programs including those on campus and online. They are well recognized for the quality of their programs, dedication to details, and offering the best teaching faculty available. They continue to get rave reviews for their graduate, undergraduate, and off campus programs by employers who feel graduates of UOV have the skills to do very well on the job.
Qualifications for University of Victoria Bursaries
In order to qualify for UOV bursaries for school, you need to be in an undergraduate program or graduate program. You must be enrolled at least part time. You also have to be receiving the maximum student loans that are available. There are limited funds for International students offered. If you fall into this category, it is recommended that you speak to someone in financial aid to see what they may be able to offer you.
University of Victoria bursaries come with GPA standards, and that is very important to understand. You aren’t competing with others to get these funds. If you meet all of the criteria including the GPA you can get the funds. You can also qualify for renewal up to five years in most instances. The difference with a bursary and a scholarship is that if you meet the qualifications, you get the money. You aren’t competing against an unknown number of people who have also applied for a limited amount of money. If there are 100 people that qualify for the UOV bursaries funds they get them, and if there are only 10 people that qualify then they will get them.
There are different application deadlines in place for UOV bursaries funds for college, so don’t miss them. June 1st is the application deadline for the summer session. October 15th is the deadline for the winter session. Only ONE application is necessary for the year, and it can be completed and submitted ONLINE. It is a good idea to complete the application even if you will only qualify for a small amount of money through the program.
There are additional applications required for some of the special university bursaries that UOV offers. For example, if you want to quality for one that pertains to athletics, faculty, or a specific school department there can be additional forms and deadlines to adhere to. The school administration can assist you with those details.
UOV Bursary Awards
The amount of money that you will be awarded depends on the school. Generally, the more expensive the school is the higher it will be. This is to help reduce the overall shortfall that a student may have between financial aid and the cost of attendance. The awards can be in monetary terms, books, memberships, and more that will be directly filtered to your account through the school you are attending.
UOV Disability Bursaries
There is additional assistance through UOV bursary funds for college if you have a documented disability. Such individuals may be able to qualify for the funds even if they are attending college less than half time. There is a special application that needs to be filled out in such a situation.
Explore how UOV bursaries for college may help you to open the door for college to be in your future! This is a great school and one that really strives to make sure all students that wish to attend are able to do so. They enjoy rewarding those that are making excellent academic progress for their hard work.