International students looking to get their education in other countries want to look into the individual countries government bursaries to cover their cost to attend a college or university. Most all do have student bursaries with some type of student aid to help do this.
You may be just a regular student who is just looking for bursaries from your own government – this will also help you too!
Seeking direct government educational assistance in the form of bursaries, or other student financial aid offered by the various governments is the smart students way to pay for an education in other countries.
If students know where to apply, it may be as easy as filling out & submitting the required paperwork to receive student bursaries, grants, scholarships or other forms of student awards offered by governments throughout the world.
Some countries may use the terminology as bursaries, or scholarships & grants. They all mean the same thing – no repayment is necessary by the student once they are given the student financial aid award.
Below are various countries and their respective website locations to help students seek bursaries and other various forms of educational financial assistance to cover the cost of attendance.
Scholarships and Bursaries from Canada
Canada’s Provinces and Territories handle their bursaries and student aid separate, and at the same time also have access to a central bursary system for their students. Below we cover these.
Other Canadian Bursaries from CanLearn
CanLearn.ca is a service for Canadian students which provides the student aid information and other needed services so they can decide what field to study, what university to go to study and how to cover their costs.
CanLearn strives to offer trusted information & services to help Canadian students save, plan & finally pay for their education. CanLearn gives necessary resources to help students to masterfully make good educational decisions.
The CanLearn site was developed by the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada in collaboration with provincial and territorial governments and Canadian learning and career development organizations.
Alberta Bursaries
A bursary is a monetary grant given to a student based on a demonstrated financial need or satisfactory academic achievement. Scholarships are a monetary award given to a student for academic excellence in a specific area of study, or for athletic excellence.
Ontario Bursaries
For a resource on Canadian bursaries from Ontario.
OSAP Canada Bursaries
When students apply for OSAP student aid assistance they are automatically evaluated for many grant & bursary programs offered by the federal & provincial government. Whether students are awarded the grant funds, it will depend on an eligibility criteria which will include student family income tiers. This is a great Canadian resource for students looking for student financial assistance.
Concordia University Bursries
This university nicely displays bursaries & student aid by Canadian Provincial & Territory so students can easily navigate for what they are looking for based on location and aid provided.
Study in Sweden Bursaries & Scholarships
Swedish scholarships are similar to bursaries.This website is a all-inclusive resource for higher education in Sweden for current & prospective international students. Many other scholarships are offered on this site too.
South African Bursaries
This is the official website of South Africa which has a comprehensive list of a multitude of South African bursaries and it is nicely categorized based on what occupation a student would like to study. For instance they have a listing of accounting/Law/Engineering/Health-science/Sport bursaries just to name a few. They have many others though.
Go to: http://bursaries-southafrica.co.za/ to see their home page which is impressively laid out!
United Kingdom Bursaries
This UK government website talks about bursaries and scholarships but one must search to find what they are looking for. Best suggestion is to type in ‘bursaries’ in the search bar in the upper right corner and you will find what you are looking for in the search results which come up.
Ireland Bursaries
The nidirect website is the official government website for Northern Ireland citizens. This website was designed to make things easier to find for the user; such as easy to access government information and services. Bursaries and financial aid can easily be found too.
Western Cape Bursaries
The official Western Cape Government website was created as a single point of access to government information & services for citizens of the Western Cape. Lots of government bursaries are offered, along with a listing of universities offering them too. A list of bursaries from National Departments, Public Entities, and International are shown as well. Other programs are offered to students such as Learner-ships, Internships, Apprenticeships, and Artisan-ships. Places of Volunteering to charitable organizations are also listed.
The above is a great starting point in helping students look for government bursaries offered from other countries.