When looking for bursary programs, one of the easiest methods for many students reading this article will be locating and applying for bursaries online. Unfortunately there is a lot of obfuscation on the internet, and finding legitimate or updated websites from which to apply for bursaries can sometimes be difficult or painstaking. This issue is further compounded because some supposedly online bursary programs simply cannot be applied for online, though in this day and age such things are becoming substantially less common. It is important to realize first that yes, online bursaries really do exist and yes, they are worth applying to. There are legitimate online bursaries applications to apply too but finding them is a little more difficult.
Students looking for bursaries online are typically trying to find them exactly because they need access to financial aid, but they should not allow this need to overwrite common sense, and students should be careful about where they are applying and what information they are providing over the web.
Finding bursaries online can be a tiring process while students attempt to negotiate the incredible amount of websites offering advertising over legitimate material. Those students who have spent a fair amount of time doing research on the internet may have an easier time locating online bursaries, but for many students who have not it will remain a problem.
One of the first things any students should do is search for government supported websites which will allow students to apply for government bursaries online through an official source. This is going to be easy to find for students in Canada and the United Kingdom where the national and provincial governments maintain a strong, modern presence on the web. For instance, the UK’s Directgov website connects people easily to government services, including online bursary applications. There students can apply for bursaries online through a single application which will check on their eligibility for multiple bursaries offered nationally. More work may have to be completed when looking for additional bursaries, and students should do further internet searches to find an online bursary application that will meet their needs.
One of the more difficult places to apply for bursaries in is South Africa, which has a series of both government and privately offered programs. Some of these bursaries are available online, but many of them will require students to print out an application and mail it in. Further, there is no simple one application form process which enables students to apply to all bursaries for which they are eligible, so students will have to be careful in making their selections. Fortunately, compared to the UK and Canada, there is an abundance of privately offered bursary programs, many of which can be applied to online. Because of their private sources, students applying to these bursaries online will want to review the company’s eligibility requirements to make sure the bursary they are applying to will be available to them. A simple search for “online bursaries South Africa” will yield far too many results, and the vague search terms will not help those students in specific fields. Because of this, students should narrow their searches and look for something along the lines of “engineering bursaries South Africa.” This search term will bring up a number of bursaries online, giving students search results such as the Anglo-American bursaries engineering or the CETA bursary application in engineering pages.
Take your time and be careful when applying to bursaries online. Remember that you are likely providing secure information about your person that you would probably like to keep private, or between you and the institution you believe you are applying to. Make sure that the website you are applying for is owned by the government, school or company to which you are applying, and if you are not entirely sure try contacting their support hotlines for further verification. Once you are sure that you are at an appropriate website, download or fill out the online bursary application, submitting it when you are finished. In all hopes you will win a few bursary awards and your financial aid will be set for the upcoming academic year.
Sasol Bursaries and How to Get One
Please email me the application forms.My contacts are 0846544741
We recommend that you contact your government bursaries programs first as this is the best first step in applying for a bursary program.
I am going to do medical engineering next year on 2012, i am applying for NHLS basaries as i will not be able to pay for my studies next year.I have completed matric on 2010.
Mbuli wandile,
go to South Africa bursaries to read more. Contact your state educational department to help you with your options.
Please e-mail me the application forms.
Fihliwe Shange,
you must apply directly to the sponsor of the particular bursary you are interested in.
i just need some busaries for my daughter
apply to as many as you can to see if you qualify. Also go to The Davis Scholarship to see if this may help too.
I am currently doing my first year at wits and can not perform well in my studies because my fees are too high and my parents are struggling to pay.I need a bursary what can i do.
most bursaries are need based so look for the bursaries which you seem like a good fit for and them apply to them. Look into a government bursary where the guidelines are normally fair and apply to those. Have you talked with the financial aids office at your college to see if they can assist you on the bursary programs which could help you out?. Maybe there are other programs/grants/scholarships/ and possible work study programs you can fit into there. you won’t know unless you talk to them.
i need to apply for an on line bursary and can’t seem to find any application
you must go directly to the bursary sponsors website and apply. If you can’t find their application to print out or submit then send them an email via their contact page on their website which most sites have. They should respond back to you within 3 days.
I am a hard worker with self confidence and i have a good communication with people
apply to any bursary to find out if you qualify for it. Here’s a List of bursaries to help you get started.
I am student, looking for Eskom bursary, doing Electrical engineering light current, I am done semester 3, going to semester
read about South African bursaries too. Eskom sometimes pulls their bursaries from time to time. Go to Eskom bursary application.
Going to semester 4
good job. Read about what are bursaries.
Im askn 4a bursary plz
apply to as many as you can find to see if you qualify for it. There is not one form to fill out for all bursary programs. Try gov bursaries first.
please send me government bursary application to study at any fet
go to government bursaries. You will have to go to the website.gov site to apply.
my mother is unable to pay for my fees because she doesn’t work an depend on our grandmother’s grant im doing my first year at university of limpopo (turfloop campus) in computer science i need a bursary to further my studies
you must apply to them online as you find them. Most are done online and it’s easier this way too. Government bursaries are more flexible in qualifying and are mostly need based.
Thanks for what you are doing for mankind.Sir.how can I get burseries for my children aged 7,5,3 years respectively? Am unemployed.An a Ugandan.
Thanks .
Julius Muhangi
we write about college bursaries. You should contact your government educational department to research what bursaries/grants are available for your children. You should qualify for need based grants/bursaries/aid. In the USA this would be very possible.
bursary of at least 1500 USD per year,for school fees in a day school
apply to government bursary programs. Canadian bursaries allow international students too.
why in south africa still tafe to get a bursary especially for black people,maybe our goverment do hv a strategy for people whose finishing their matric to help them with finincial assistance.
not sure.
im desparately in need of funding for my honours this year(2012) is there any bursary still available and open for this year?
this site does not offer bursaries. We write about the various ones available today and you can apply to them by clicking on the links in the bursary articles.
please email me the bursary application forms;im also interested in fulfuling my studies
their is no one bursary application form you can fill out to apply to all bursaries. You must go to the bursary sponsors website (college or company) and fill out their own bursary application form. They are all different.
i m focus student and comment to o so i realy need this funding
you must apply to as many bursaries as you can – college as well as company bursary programs to see if you can qualify for some.
speak to a FinAids manager at a college to see what student aid programs you could qualify for, as well as apply online to as many bursaries you are a good fit for it – where your qualifications match up to the bursary criteria.
Zikode funda. I would like to please Sasol to help to reach my destiny by giving me a bursary. I want to do animal science next year 2015. Right now I’m still upgrading my result in DUT.
you must apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for them. Apply ASAP! Go to the bursary sponsors webpage and apply online to most any today.
am hard work so my parents they don’t afford to pay my fees am looking for bursary.
look into your government bursaries firstly because they are easy to apply to and easy to win. Then visit your college’s financial aids office to see which bursaries are right for you.
guys i need a bursary fast, before 1 february 2016, i have applied and registered onto central university of technology
you must apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for them. They are need based. Best bet is to apply to your government educational bursary programs because they are easy to apply to and easy to get. Go to: http://www.bursaries.co/41/government-bursaries-and-how-they-work/
apply to bursaries at Durban U, and also at your government bursary educational website too. I f you do not apply you will never know if you can get a bursary.
am an information technology student, currently studying at limkokwing universitylesotho and would like to futher my studies. so do I qualify for these bussaries oror ?
you must apply to find out. Apply at the bursary sponsors websites.