Accountancy bursaries for accounting students work differently from one country to the next and as any person entering accounting as a field of study should know, finding access to money in the form of accounting bursaries is an important step in locating well needed funding for school. There are many bursaries in accounting available with varying eligibility criteria, and students entering the field should look around to see what they qualify for. Of course different accountancy bursaries around the world are going to be available based on your geographic region.
In Canada, a province will have its own set of Canadian accounting bursaries available to applicants, while in South Africa there are a number of public and private offerings that students should be interested in taking advantage of. We will assume that students have already applied for more general bursaries available to them. Here we will learn more about accounting bursaries and how they can work to serve students interested in the topic.
Students should first recognize that accountancy bursaries are competitive and that they are normally only given to those who show a sincere interest in the field. As a result, when looking at field specific bursaries it is important to know where you stand. How are your grades, what various programs are you currently enrolled in?
There are a wide variety of accountancy bursaries available, and many of them will not provide full rides to a school of your choice, so do not stop applying at only one accounting bursary, but instead continue applying to as many as you fit the criteria for. If you are a student in Canada, your first step should be to stop by your local college’s bursary office, and once you have collected information from them, head down to your field-specific department. As a student at say the University of Alberta, you would want to stop by the School of Business, Department of Accounting and Management to get more information on an accounting bursary available to you. Some of them will be offered for new students, but many of them are made available to those who have already completed a year or two in school and show strong academic performance.
A student in South Africa, however, would want to consult with information put out by the Department of Education as well as consulting with their local bursary office on their college campus. South Africa has a number of specific bursary programs set up for both general and specific purposes. Many bursary programs in South Africa are often offered through private institutions such as PetroSA or Nedbank, both private employers that facilitate accountanting bursaries for future potential workers.
Students looking to find funding through bursaries for accountaning at private firms should read the details of the award carefully, as it is likely that they will end up exchanging financial aid for time worked at the company post graduation. While this is a small price to pay for many students in need of financial aid, those who wish to keep their future employment opportunities more open should be aware of what they are getting themselves into.
As always it is incredibly important for students to sit down and explore what their options are. Consult with your local financial aid office, normally found on a college campus, to sort out the specifics for bursaries in accounting as well as other general bursaries you may qualify for. Many forms can be found online, but unless you have found a reliable centralized source for information on an accounting bursary, it is in the students’ best interest to consult with their department.
Students should plan to apply to bursaries for accounting by keeping good grades and getting involved with accounting-oriented school organizations, indicating that that they have more than a passing interest in the topic. Since many field specific bursary programs are competitive, showing a clear interest in the field (such as for accountancy bursaries) and having evidence of participation in activities relating to – it will help give a leg up over those students have done the bare minimum to meet the eligibility requirements.
Engineering bursaries for engineering students.
The NHS bursaries for health studies.
College student scholarships list.
Are there any busaries available for students who are studying for a bachelor af arts degree?
go to government bursaries as a first step to looking into bursaries for BOA. Normally the government or the private company providing the bursary has categories of study which to choose from. BOA is very general so most private entities would not offer it – only government would depending on which one.
I am doing my first year at Damelin Benoni City Campus and am in need of financial assistance as i am doing a three year course for financial accounting.
i sthembiso im doing accountancy it my year at unisa and i need a financial assistant.i live at durban.
visit the FinAids office at unisa to see what type of student aid you can qualify for. Government sponsored bursaries are the first option you should explore.
I am currently studying at uj, doing accounting . i am looking for a bursary this year.
visit the UJ FinAids office to see their latest bursary programs and other forms of student aid which you may qualify for. Look for other accounting bursaries online to and apply to them online.
i am doing my first year at tut ga rankuwa campus and i need financial assisance as im doing 4 years course for financial acc.
motloung pulane,
visit the Finaid office of tut ga rankuwa and they can give you various student aid options since you are already going there. Set the appointment today to visit with them.
I am a first year student in the University Of Limpopo, doing BCOM Accounting. I desperately need a bursary.
apply to as many as you can. Government bursaries are the first place to apply because of their fair qualifying guidelines. look for other accounting bursaries you may find online and apply to them via there websites. I would also visit your FinAids office to see what new programs they may have and to see what specific programs they have for you and your situation.
i am a grade 12 student wo would like to get a accounting busary to study Bcom Accounting. i am not financialy stable as my mother is a singl eparent. it would really be great to get a busary because i am determined to do accounting. if anyone can help me i would really be greatful.
look into any bursary you qualify to apply to as well as accounting bursaries. Government bursaries are always a must to apply too. Also go to accountant bursary program to read more on.
iam currently doing a NHC,extended programme.iam hoping to change my course next year,are there any chances of me getting a bursary?
you must apply to a bursary to see. You can always direct this question to the bursary sponsor via their contact webpage before you fill out their bursary application form. Always apply to government bursaries firstly – http://www.bursaries.co/tag/bursaries-from-the-government/.
I’m doing my first year at mut I really need a bursary because I don’t have a money to pay
you must take the time to apply to bursaries otherwise you will never know if you qualify.
i am doing an extended Bcom degree in accounting at nmmu and would like to know if are there ever any bursaries made available for students in an extended program.
go to the FinAids office at nmmu and ask them which ones you can apply to that will work with their college.
i am currently studying my metric and waiting for the results. i will like to have a bursary at the field of accounting. i am studying commercial subjects.
i will be happy if you send me reply on the field of financial management, business management and industrial psychology.
you must apply directly to the bursary sponsors website to see if you qualify.
Hy There I was Doing an extended programe at the UFS, and i passed my Accounting very well compared to my high school results…So i was wondering of how are the opportunities of me getting a bursary in my Accounting field?
you must apply to them as you see that your qualifications match up to the bursary program. You never know until you apply first.
im at DUT and i will b doing 2nd year and i need finnce help,can ESKOM be able to help me out
read more at Eskom bursaries and direct your question via contact page at Eskom.
good day!, please do help me in continuing my sudies, i’m a freshmen accounting student in immaculate conception college at balayan, batangas, philippines. please! thank you …
you must apply to them to see if you qualify for them – read about finding bursaries online and finding university bursaries.
I am a student at Rosebank College Pretoria doing my last year studing a diploma in Accounting and Financial Computing. I need to know if u guys have any degree accounting bursaries for 2013? Thanx
i am doing NATIONAL DIPLOMA 3rd year at the uj and looking for the bursary to pursue my studies for the next year.
We do not provide bursary sponsorships unfortunately. You must apply to the bursary programs you feel you qualify for. If you don’t apply to a bursary program, you will never find out if you qualify for one. Go to UJ bursaries.
i am looking for a bursary for accounting… i finished my matric last year
you must apply first to find out if you qualify. Apply for any accounting bursary you like by going directly to their website.
hi, am currently studying vut, doing my 1at year of Internal Auditing and i would love to apply for a bursary for next year,2013
apply to some of the accounting bursary programs discussed in the article, as well as all others you discover. Let us know of the others you do indeed discover so it can help others looking for the same thing as you are looking for.
Hi, I need help in Finding a bursary for Bcom Accounting at a private university, if anyone knows anything please post. Will be much appreciated.
go to accountancy bursaries. Look into your gov bursaries too.
im first year student at uj doing diploma in accounting, i want to leave nesfas ..so are you guys have bursaries for my field her
go to UOJ bursaries to find out. We do not sponsor bursary programs – just write about them.
i need a bcomm accouting busary,if you know where i can get it you can email me
go to Bcomm accounting bursaries.
l’m a foreign Citizen doing Accounting Science with UNISA,lt seem’s we’re not catered for bursary wise.How can l be considered
you must apply to any bursary program to see if you qualify for them. We do not offer direct bursary programs but write about those who do. I recommend that you talk with the FinAids manager at UNISA college you attend to see what specific student aid programs you may be eligible for.
I’m doing my first year at TUT i need bursaries assistance
you must apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for them. Go directly to the bursary sponsors website to apply. We do not offer direct bursary programs but write about those who do. I recommend that you talk with the FinAids manager at the college you attend to see what specific student aid programs you may be eligible for.
i’m student at Tut doing my first year i need finance assistance to my studies
APPLY to them! You must apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for them. Go directly to the bursary sponsors website to apply. We do not offer direct bursary programs but write about those who do. I recommend that you talk with the FinAids manager at the college you attend to see what specific student aid programs you may be eligible for.
Iam a DUT student and im doing diploma in accounting, i would like you to help me with a busary in order to finish my diploma in 3 years to come
apply via online to as many accounting bursary programs as you can because they are fast and easy to apply to. We write about top bursaries; but do not offer any.
um looking for bursary um doing diploma accountancy at uj um a first year studentn
apply to as many as you can. If you don’t apply to bursaries, you ‘ll never know if you will get one.
Iam Rhoda doing accounting in my second year am asking for a bursary
you must apply to any bursaries where you seem to fit their criteria to see if you have a chance or not.
does anyone know of an accounting bursary that is available for this current year. Im in desperate need. Im doing my third at wits
you may want to look into your own government bursary programs. They may have one.
am doing bcompt at university of limpopo and am looking for a bursary.
you must apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for them! See the FinAids office at university of Limpopo to see which ones you can qualify for.
i am a student at the university of Johannesburg and I am in need of a bursary ,im doing my 1st year of diploma in accounting …..I did not qualify for nsfas
I would visit your FinAids office at the UOJ to see what bursaries you can apply to. You may want to look into your very own government bursary programs too.
hey am studying at university of technology 1st year accounting and in need for a bursaries do you where I can get one?
apply within the FinAids office of UOT.
I am a student at Mangosuthu university of technology, doing an accounting for 2rd year, so please guys i really need your assistance, so that i can go further with my studies
you must go into your financial aids office to speak to them about your personal situation since you are already attending there. They will have the latest bursary educational programs you should apply to.
Have you applied to your very own government bursaries?
Good day
I am Jali Siphosethu I want to study bcom accounting next year but I have financial problems
apply to many bursaries to see if you qualify. Start with government bursary programs first; then private ones. Talk your FinAids office about grant opportunities at the college you will be attending.
I am a student of Mangosuthu University of Technology. 2nd year student doing Cost and Management Accounting. I’m looking for s bursary so that I can able to have all studying materials e.g. Books.
apply to any bursary which you have a good chance at winning – where your qualifications match up to the bursary criteria. Have you looked into your own government bursary programs – they are easy to apply to and easier to get! Visit your Fin-aids office of the college you’re attending to apply to their list of up-to-date bursary programs; which are updated on a monthly basis.
where can i apply for a bursary if i am doing to study extended bcom in ca
per the article
“A student in South Africa, however, would want to consult with information put out by the Department of Education as well as consulting with their local bursary office on their college campus. South Africa has a number of specific bursary programs set up for both general and specific purposes. Many bursary programs in South Africa are often offered through private institutions such as PetroSA or Nedbank, both private employers that facilitate accounting bursaries for future potential workers.”
You must go to those websites to apply for them.
hi I am Nhlanhla and I am studying with unisa doing bachelor of accounting sciences in management accounting and I am currently doing my first year and I wanted to know when can I apply for the bursary for 2016
you can apply to just about anyone you feel you meet their criteria.
Hi, I have a training contract with one of the big 4 but no bursary. So I wanted to find out if it’s possible to apply for a bursary without being obligated to do articles after studying?
I would direct this question to the school you attend, or the bursary sponsor you wish to apply to. This would be bursary or school specific.
hi, am a grade 12 learner at kolin foundaton,Namiba, wold lke to know f could apply for a bursary in accounting?
you may direct that question to the sponsor of the bursary by going to their contact webpage.This is the best way before you take the time to apply.
need application form nd will i qualify if am doing nhc accountacy
you need to apply. Got to the website of the sponsor of the bursary to apply.
I’m doing grade 12 i’m doing accounting and i want to go to university next year so I’m need of financial assistance… Could you kindly help me
only way to see if you qualify for a bursary, is to apply for a bursary. Read more at list of bursaries.