
Student bursaries for education to help pay your college tuition will be featured on our website from some of the best college researchers today – student educational researchers! A student bursary for education is the most misunderstood student financial aid tools. Most students do not know where to look for college bursaries, or were to even apply to educational bursaries. We will highlight some of the more prominent university bursaries along with well known company sponsored bursaries and also government bursaries, and tell you were to go to submit your applications.

Please contact us by submitting your comments at the bottom of any webpage. If you are a sponsor of a bursary and you would like it featured on our website you may fully explain it in 500 words or less and also submit it via our comments section too. Your bursary submissions, questions, suggestions and comments will all result in improving the quality of our website.


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31 thoughts on “About”

  1. i want to further my education on a fet this year next 3semeter this year so ill like to get bursary application or where i can find one pleas help me i seek for any help ican get yours ntoko aaron.

  2. Sir/madam, I am a first year student at an bungoma teachers training college.I am an orphan and i need ksh.60,000 to see me through my Ecd diploma by december 2012.sir/madam,assist me get the bursary to enable me complete my course.

    yours faithfuly,


  3. Am interested in social work field but a dont know wher cud a get bursary forms,can anyone help b4 closng dates

    1. Sinenhlanhla,

      you must apply to bursaries to see if you qualify for them. We do not offer direct bursary programs but write about those who do. I recommend that you talk with the FinAids manager at the college you attend to see what specific student aid programs you may be eligible for. Read about social worker bursaries.

  4. Am begining school for a Bachelors programme at Makerere university Business school in uganda but the tution i save isnot enough to push me for even a year there fore i am requesting for assistance for my tution. Thank you

    1. Christopher,

      we do not offer bursaries but only write about some really good bursary programs. You would have to apply directly to the bursary sponsor’s website to see if you qualify for them. Apply to YOUR government bursaries AND the online bursaries because they are the quickest to apply to

    1. sello,

      you want to inquire in your own government for teaching financial aid – your state department of education. Almost all governments have student aid programs for future teachers.

    1. Nomachule,

      apply to as many as you feel you would be a good fit for – that you have a chance to win based on your qualifications for it. Try your own government bursaries firstly, then inquire into your FinAids office about the college bursaries you can apply to.

  5. I’m a student from Hungary hoping to start at City College Plymouth this coming September. I have been blind since I was born. I turned 19 in March, which means I’m older than most A-level students, so I would have to pay tuition fees, which would be impossible given my financial circumstances.
    I have been looking at all kinds of bursaries, but haven’t been able to find one for further education. Could anyone put me in the right direction?

    This may be slightly off topic, but my biggest issue is finding suitable accommodation for when I arrive in Plymouth, also due to my financial circumstances.

  6. I am student from poor family were my parents cannot pay my institution fees, even to provide money for food.Am currently studying teaching or education at Tshwane university of technology, doing level 2. So am pleading anyone who can help me, cause i even receive message from university saying that i should pay before the end of October or will not gonna be allowed to write final exam.

    1. MALEKA,

      you should go into your FinAids office and sit down with them to discuss what student aid is available to you that you can apply to, bursaries as well as grants & scholarships. Also apply to your own government bursary programs which are need based. They are easily to apply to and get.

  7. I am a teacher by proffession holing a teaching Diploma in languages but now finding it tough at this level were i am currently but would love to upgrade my status can u please help

    1. Sinyemba,

      you may want to sit down with FinAids department at your college to see what programs you can apply to. You should also look into your own government bursary programs via your government educational website too.

  8. I got admitted to go study a bachelor of civil and construction engineering (mining) and Curtin university, starting in Feb. next year. where can I get a bursary?

    1. Fudeni,


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